75th P/NWT RC - By Law Amendments and Resolutions

Prairie/Northwest Territories Region

Constitution and By-Laws


WHEREAS PIPSC By-Law 11.1.7 allows a maximum of eleven (11) members on regional executives and thirteen (13) members on regional executives whose membership exceeds 10,000, and

WHEREAS the Constitution of the Prairie/Northwest Territories Region limits the composition of the regional executive to nine (9) members, and

WHEREAS the Prairie/Northwest Territories Region is the only region with a such a limitation, and

WHEREAS the Prairie/Northwest Territories Region represents its members through its branches,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Prairie/Northwest Territories Constitution and By-Laws be amended as follows:




6.2 Composition The Executive shall normally consist of the Director, the Secretary/Treasurer, one member-at-large from each of Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, and Edmonton Branches, and two (2) members-at-large from among the remaining Branches in the Region. Each year, the Executive shall choose a Vice-chair from its members at its first Executive meeting held after the Regional Council.


6.2 Composition The Executive shall normally consist of the Director, the Secretary/Treasurer, one member-at-large from each of Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, and Edmonton Branches, and four (4) two (2) members-at-large from among the remaining Branches in the Region. Each year, the Executive shall choose a Vice-chair from its members at its first Executive meeting held after the Regional Council.


To increase the size of the regional executive to the maximum permitted by PIPSC By-Laws for the best interest of the members and to assign this increase to the small branches.

6.3.3 Two (2) additional Executive members shall be elected from the remaining Branches by the delegates in attendance at the Regional Council, that are members of the remaining Branches. A Call Letter shall be sent to all remaining branches at the time of the notice of the Regional Council. The term of office shall be two (2) years and elections shall be in odd numbered years.


6.3.3 Two (2) Four (4) additional Executive members shall be elected from the remaining Branches by the delegates in attendance at the Regional Council, that are members of the remaining Branches. A Call Letter shall be sent to all remaining bBranches at the time of the notice of the Regional Council. The term of office shall be two (2) years and elections shall be in odd numbered years.


As above plus to correct what may be a typo error.

Delete the comma before that as it is unnecessary.