75th P/NWT RC - Bylaws and Policies Committee Report



Presented to the 75th Prairie/Northwest Territories Regional Council

One of the primary duties of the BLPC is to review and provide input into constituent bodies constitutions and associated regulations. During the last year the BLPC reviewed over 100 constitutions and provided guidance on countless more.

The BLPC has developed constituent body model constitutions that are available on the PIPSC web site. Constituent bodies are encouraged to review their constitutions every three years to ensure their constitutions are aligned to these models as they contain all the necessary by-laws that a constituent body needs and it also makes the approval process easier as these models have been approved by the Board of Directors.

Another important duty of the BLPC is to review the various PIPSC Policies, work collaboratively with other Board of Directors committees who want to complete Policy changes and complete tasks assigned by the PIPSC Board of Directors.

Finally, the BLPC plays a substantial role in addressing member and constituent body resolutions brought to the PIPSC AGM. Prior to the PIPSC AGM, members of the BLPC are assigned to the Resolutions Sub-Committee with members of other Board of Directors Committees and Institute Staff who work collaboratively with each other and the author(s) of the resolutions. The Resolutions Sub-Committee ensures the resolutions will not be ruled out of order at the AGM, that the resolutions are worded in understandable manner, that the resolutions are achieving the author(s) goal(s) as written, and they provide some additional information regarding some possible consequences of the resolutions. By doing this upfront work the hope is that the resolutions will be presented and addressed in an efficient manner at the PIPSC AGM.

At this year’s PIPSC AGM, all BLPC members in attendance were asked to assist with late resolutions or amendments to previously submitted resolutions and provide input to the Chair when required. If you attended you would have seen the BLPC in the front row to the right of the Chair. Previously, these tasks had been completed by only a couple members of the BLPC. The hope was to fulfill the BLPC duties at the PIPSC AGM in as efficient method as possible by having more individuals completing the tasks detailed above.

Personally, I was tasked with addressing BLPC concerns regarding submissions from various constituent bodies in the Prairie/North West Territories (P/NWT) Region. I completed this task by contacting the various constituent bodies to confirm the purpose of their submissions, providing guidance on how to achieve their required purpose, and requesting changes to their submissions as required.

As you can see it was a very busy and productive year for the BLPC. To meet the required duties of the BLPC each committee member must put in considerable time and effort to research and become very knowledgeable on all PIPSC By-Laws, Policies and other aspects of the operations of PIPSC. The individuals on the BLPC have made that commitment of time and effort to ensure we complete our required tasks to the best of our abilities with the highest level of efficiency for PIPSC and the members we all serve. The BLPC communicates frequently via emails to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and opinions so that we can complete our assigned tasks in the most time and cost effective manner possible. However, to address the demands on the BLPC for 2017, four meetings were also held.

The 2017 BLPC consisted of the following members:

  • Nancy McCune – Chair – Director P/NWT Region
  • Edward Gillis – Staff Resource
  • Julie N. Gagnon – Staff Resource
  • Barry Gerus – Member - Atlantic Region
  • Dan Jones – Member – BC/Yukon Region
  • John Purdie – Member – Ontario Region
  • Anthony Goddard – Member – NCR
  • Lyne Larocque – Member – Quebec Region
  • Robert L. Trudeau – Member - P/NWT Region

For 2018, the P/NWT Regional Executive have selected the very capable Christine Freemen as the P/NWT Regional Member of the BLPC. Please contact Christine with any concerns or questions you have regarding matters involving the BLPC. I am confidant Christine can assist you with any concerns or questions you have.

On a personal note I would like to say ‘Thank You’ to the P/NWT Regional Executive for entrusting me to serve on the BLPC, the individuals on the BLPC for providing assistance and guidance, and Julie Gagnon for her efforts and support of the entire BLPC.

I would like to conclude my report by thanking the PIPSC Members, Stewards and the various Constituent Body Executives within the P/NWT Region and across Canada that I have worked with over the last five years. It has been my pleasure to assist you in any way I could and to learn from our collaborative efforts.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Trudeau

P/NWT BLPC Representative

Saskatoon, SK

306-975-6416(W), 306-249-6522(H), 306-371-4412 (C)

robert.trudeau@cra-arc.gc.ca (W)

rtrudeau@pipsc.ca (W)

robertltrudeau@hotmail.com (W)