To all members of the SP Group,

We have received an update from the government about the technical issue that recently affected pay processing for your Group. The government reports that all 1,800 impacted accounts have now been corrected according to the following schedule:

  • Employees whose accounts were corrected by June 9, 2017 will receive a normal June 14, 2017 pay cheque.
  • Employees whose accounts were corrected after June 9, 2017 will receive an incorrect June 14, 2017 pay cheque. Their correct salary (which includes the new rate of pay) will be reflected in the June 28, 2017 pay cheque.
  • Underpayments may be corrected starting with the June 28, 2017 pay cheque.
  • In the case of overpayments of less than 10% of the employee's pay, recovery will occur as part of the individual retroactive processing cycle and may start on June 28, 2017.
  • An automatic hold is placed on accounts in the case of overpayments greater than 10% and a Compensation Advisor is required to action them after the employee has agreed to recovery.

The government assures us that detailed instructions have been issued to prevent this issue from recurring.

As always, if you have any concerns regarding your pay, please contact the Public Service Pay Centre.