Ontario Region AGM Report 2018

Ontario Region AGM Report 2018

Tommy Georgas – Ontario Regional Representative

Having taken on this challenge last fall (2017) we have hit the ground running!  Following is a summary of some of what’s happened in the last 6 months. 

Sub Groups:

We moved very quickly materializing the plans to grow and mobilize the membership in Toronto and Southern Ontario.  In December 2017 the AV Toronto Sub-Group was formalized.  It has since had its first meeting in the Toronto Office at 151 Yonge St in early April.  Dozens showed up to attend Ray’s presentation on Sick Leave and I was able to attend and contribute as well on bargaining.  As a member at large with this Sub-Group, we are encouraged by the attendance and participation. 

Efforts continue to reinvigorate Southern Ontario exploring alternatives to larger groups covering large distances.  Kitchener, Hamilton and Waterloo will be where our sights are set to spark engagement and member willingness to gain a voice with more local involvement and participation.  Concentrating on easier to manage distances and local efforts to not only attend but engage will summarize the strategy in this region.  I intend to work closely with both the President and VP in this regard and know that we can count on their support.  

Maintaining and growing Northern Ontario’s voice will continue to be a priority and Ray and I will be attending a meeting in Sudbury on April 17th.  We look forward to covering topics including sick leave, bargaining and Phoenix.

Collective Bargaining:

As your Ontario Regional Representative I was eager to get involved in collective bargain and currently sit on the Bargaining Team.  This not only opens the world of bargaining and access to those outside the NCR, but it allowed us to ensure that we had a strong bargaining team and new perspectives and voices to the mix.  I hope to continue to contribute in this area and look forward to Ontario’s feedback as we work through the process.  All members are encouraged to forward their concerns and feedback as it relates to the collective agreement.   


Recruiting and supporting stewards was not overlooked during this short period of time.  Toronto gained a new Steward from the AV Group and we look forward to continuing this growth. 


I was able to attend the GTA Branch AGM held in Toronto.  It was a very strong turnout and it was encouraging that many of the attendees were new to Branch events.  I look forward to attending the Annual Ontario Regional Council event in mid-April as well.