The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada


Date: 2021-06-22

Subject: Important information from Korn Ferry Support Specialists to PIPSC-AFS London Subgroup

Your London AFS Subgroup of PIPSC did some research and obtained the following information to benefit you:

Timing for the Unsupervised Internet Test (UIT):

Each Notice of Job Opportunity (NOJO) that requires candidates to “take part in an online assessment” will also state the “duration of the test”, for example 90 or 120 minutes. Please be aware that when you log into the testing site, there will be a dashboard which will list the tests to be taken. There is no requirement to complete all of these tests in the “duration” timeline listed in the NOJO.

Korn Ferry has confirmed that you can complete each test in any order and over the period of days provided in the invitation from Korn Ferry, as long as the listed tests are completed by the deadline set in the testing invitation. The tests selected by the staffing board may include both timed and untimed tests and you may find it beneficial to balance these tests by starting with an untimed test, taking a break and then transitioning to a timed test (and so on), while leaving time to prepare for the next test in-between.

Preparation demo tests that are representative of the UIT experience

Be aware that some of the preparation sample tests for the Korn Ferry UIT which are available online have been found to be too simplistic and are not representative of the actual UIT written for CRA competitions. These tests especially do not represent the UIT layout, style, or timing constraints within the cognitive tests.

The following website has been provided by Korn Ferry so that any candidate can access practice assessments which are representative of the UIT being conducted at CRA.

Go to 

Korn Ferry highly recommends that candidates complete these preparation tests, in order to be fully aware of the testing process and the elements contained within the cognitive tests. Please note that this link contains only timed cognitive samples and that the other required or possible tests pertaining to behavioural competencies, traits and drivers will not be timed (they do not have a timer beside them on the UIT dashboard). Candidates can take as much time as they require to complete these tests, as long as the listed tests are completed by the deadline set in the testing invitation.

If you require accommodations:

Follow the instructions on the Invitation to assessment and please contact your PIPSC-AFS union steward community if you require any assistance in completing the accommodations request form for any UIT.

Within CRA systems use the following link to the Request for assessment accommodation form:


Use the following path to complete details on the assessment accommodation process:

go to   Canada Revenue Agency, InfoZone,

under Employee and work support (top left), select Browse the employee and work support topics,

under Most popular topics, select Staffing and recruitment,

under Related topics, select Job opportunities,

under Related topics, select competencies,

under Related topics, select tests and assessments, select accommodations during assessment,

under table of contents, select requesting assessment accommodation.

Experienced stewards are available to help with completing the forms, describing the process and providing guidance on the resources and accommodations available to you.


Each candidate is responsible to read the NOJO, and any subsequent Candidate Notices in order to fulfil documentary requirements and testing deadlines for each applicable requisition number. The above information has been provided as a resource only and each candidate is responsible for taking appropriate actions to inform the hiring board of actions which may effect their further consideration in the assessment process. 

Request for Shared Experiences: 

The London AFS Subgroup is interested in hearing your experiences with the Korn Ferry testing and accommodation requests.  If you have something of interest to share (respecting confidentiality requirements of Korn Ferry) feel free to contact me ( or any of our stewards. 

I hope this information will be of benefit to you.

In Solidarity,

Paul Andres


AFS London Subgroup