Performance Management Committee - Report for the 2018 AFS AGM

Performance Management Committee

Report for the 2018 AFS AGM

The Performance Management Committee is responsible for communicating and consulting with CRA over members concerns and changes regarding the CRA Performance Management policies and directives. The committee was created in 2016 and currently comprises of, myself as chair, Rob Trudeau, Mark Muench and Steve Parent as committee members.

Tips to remember for your Performance Expectations and Performance Management Reports

  • Your expectations should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Trackable.
  •  You should be working with your team leader to develop your expectations.
  •  Keep track of your achievements and be open to honest feedback.
  • Periodically self-assess and have frequent performance discussions with your team leader.
  • Expectations can change if your job or personal situation has changed throughout the year.
  • If your Performance Management report was below a level 3, you should be speaking with a PIPSC Employment Relations Officer or steward.
  • Consecutive below level 3 reports can lead to demotion or dismissal.
  • Request and take training that is necessary for you to meet your performance expectations.
  • If you are placed on a performance improvement plan (PIP), this plan should be developed with your input.  The goal of the PIP is to improve performance and not as a form of punishment.
  • The PIP should be clear and concise with reasonable targets and timeframes. A PIP should be developed when a deficiency is noticed and not wait to the end of a performance cycle. The goal is to improve performance to avoid an unsatisfactory rating.
  • There should be no surprises with Performance Management.
  • If you have any questions or concerns over your Performance Management report or your Performance expectations, please speak to a steward.

Respectfully submitted,

Shawn Gillis

Chair- Performance Management Committee

Phone: 519-567-8983
