AFS Code of conduct for 2018 AFS AGM

If chosen to attend the AFS AGM, as a delegate or observer, the following expectations of the AFS Group apply to you:

  1. If for any reason you are unable to attend after being chosen you must immediately advise Natalie Bélanger (  There is usually a waiting list and prompt cancellation allows us to invite another attendee. Please also advise your AFS Regional Representative.
  2. If you have an emergency and have to cancel at the last minute it is your responsibility to cancel your hotel and flights. If your arrangements have been made through BCD then you should contact BCD using their regular or after hours emergency number. Please also advise your AFS Regional Representative.
  3. Only delegates are issued voting cards.  If for any reason you need to leave the AGM prior to close of business, please hand in your card to your AFS Regional Representative.
  4. The AFS AGM runs from 9:00 a.m. until adjournment on Saturday. While the meeting usually runs to 5:00 p.m., it can run later.  You are expected to attend the meeting and remain until adjournment.  Please make your travel arrangements accordingly.
  5. For the 2018 AFS AGM, to compensate for the additional cost of bringing observers, meals shall not be reimbursed by the AFS Group beyond the per diem.
  6. Failure to follow this code of conduct could result in travel expenses not being reimbursed and/or the individual not being invited to attend future national AGMs as a delegate or observer for the AFS Group.