AFS AGM - Agenda


JUNE 9, 2018, 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

LORD ELGIN HOTEL, 100 Elgin Street, Ottawa Ontario



JUNE 8 - 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. (Hospitality Suite – Confederation Room)

JUNE 9 - 8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. (Pearson Room)


9:00 Welcome and Approval of Rules of Procedure Doug Mason / Chris Roach

9:05 Approval of Agenda Chris Roach

9:10 Moment of Silence Doug Mason

9:15 AFS President’s Annual Report Doug Mason

9:30 Bargaining Preparation Jean-Paul Leduc

10:30 Break

10:45 PIPSC Presidential Address Debi Daviau

11:30 Approval of 2017 AFS AGM Minutes Manny Costain

11:40 Business Arising from the Minutes Manny Costain

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Auditor’s Report Gilbert Bégin

13:15 AFS Financial Statements and Budget Shawn Gillis

13:30 Resolutions:

  • AFS By-Laws
  • Other Resolutions
  • Late Resolutions

14:30 Break

14:45 Resolutions (continued)

16:00 Executive and Committee Reports - Questions and Answers

  • Executive Reports
    • Atlantic Regional Representative Chris Roach
    • Représentant de la Région du Québec Steve Parent
    • Ontario Regional Representative Shawn Gillis
    • Headquarters Regional Representative Brian Hassall
    • NCR IT Regional Representative Allaudin Alibhai
    • Toronto Regional Representative Al Ravjiani
    • Prairie/NWT Regional Representative Robert Trudeau
    • BC/Yukon Regional Representative Phil Choo
    • CS Regional Representative Manny Costain
    • CS National Consultation Representative Mark Muench
  • Committee Reports
    • Chief Steward Phil Choo
    • Classification & Work Description Robert Trudeau
    • Elections (verbal) Chris Roach
    • Employee Assistance Program Allaudin Alibhai
    • Employment Equity & Diversity Al Ravjiani
    • Employee Work Life Balance Phil Choo
    • Essential Services Mark Muench
    • Health & Safety Doug Mason/Allaudin Alibhai
    • Informal Conflict Resolution Allaudin Alibhai
    • Membership Phil Choo
    • Official Languages Steve Parent
    • Performance Management Shawn Gillis
    • Public Service Employee Survey Al Ravjiani
    • Strategic Bargaining Support Robert Trudeau
    • Union Management Approach (verbal) Chris Roach
    • Workforce Adjustment Doug Mason
    • Workload (verbal) Chris Roach

16:45 Other Business

17:00 Adjournment