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90% of CRA tax professionals agree with Canadians: "it is easier for corporations and wealthy individuals to evade and/or avoid tax responsibilities." 

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Only 16% of CRA professionals believe the agency has adequate audit coverage capacity to ensure tax laws are applied fairly.

When asked if their department allocates appropriate resources to successfully carry out CRA's mandate, only 29% agreed.
Only 29% of CRA tax professionals agree the Agency allocates appropriate resources to carry out its mandate. 

When asked separately, for example, if it would be a “good investment” to “allocate more resources towards preventing tax evasion and avoidance” almost eight out of 10 Canadians (77%) and 84% of CRA tax professionals agreed.
77% of Canadians and 84% of CRA tax professionals agree allocating more resources to prevent tax evasion and avoidance would be a good investment.