Hello Dear Member,

You are cordially invited to participate in the Annual General Assembly (AGA) 2018 of the Ville-Marie Branch that will be held this year in the form of a dinner-cocktail:

Date :    April 12, 2018

Time :  5 pm

Location :

 Restaurant Sous-Bois


1106 Boul. Maisonneuve Ouest,

Montréal, QC H3A 1M7 (Métro McGill)

In order to make the event as short as possible, we will have only one official guest in attendance,

Mr. Yvon Brodeur, Director of the Québec Region.


Only members who register will have their supper paid for.  To register, please send a confirmation email to the following email address no later than Friday, April 6:


Note:   We confirm the number of meals at the restaurant based on the number of members who register to attend.    People who register that they will attend but don't show up, cost us money.    In case of cancellation, please contact us via the same email address vickypainchaud@pipsccollab.ca , no later than Friday, April 6.

Attached you will find the following documents:

Agenda of the day

2017 AGM Minutes

By-Laws and Regulations ("Amendments")

Call for nominations for the 2018 elections


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Adoption of the Minutes of the 2017 AGM and related questions
  4. Introduction of the invited guest
  5. Report of the President
  6. Annual Financial Report
  7. Adoption of the budget for 2018
  8. Motions and bylaws (modifications)
  9. Election
  10. Presentation of the new executive
  11. Question period and comments
  12. Adjournment

2017 AGM Minutes:

For prior reading only, the adoption will be held at the AGM. You will find a copy of the 2017 AGM minutes on the Institute's website:

See document following this one. In French only.

By laws

You will find enclosed the proposed modifications to our bylaws, as requested by the Bylaws and Policies Committee. The only modification we made to the model has been clearly identified, and it is just to insert the branch's name in the text. We also highlighted new paragraphs. For the rest of the text, it is mostly minor changes to adhere to national bylaws and policies, or references to those bylaws. It is our understanding that the meaning has not changed, only the wording. These new bylaws will be submitted to a vote of ratification at the AGM.


Call for Nominations for the Ville-Marie Chapter Executive.

In accordance with the Ville-Marie Chapter Constitution, please note that 3 director positions will be filled by election vote at the 2018 AGM.

Note:  The best way to submit ones name as a candidate is always to be there at the time of the election.   However, a member in good standing who expects to be absent may apply in writing, by submitting his/her interest in occupying the position to which his/her nomination refers.   To do so, an email must be sent to the returning officer via the following email: sabourin@pipsc.ca , before the date of the AGA.

Thank you very much,

Your Ville-Marie Chapter Executive

In french only :

Institut professionnel de la Fonction publique du Canada

Chapitre Ville-Marie

Assemblée générale annuelle

8 juin 2017

La Trattoria

1551 Notre-Dame Ouest


Étaient présents :

Renaud Guiard

Philippe Marazzani

Damien Noël

Marc Desjardins

Evangelia Costamis

Philippe Poudret

Ammar Arab

Baris Demir

Christian Leclerc

Dugué Jean-Louis

Ginette Lanteigne

Jessica Vingerhoeds-Carbino

Marc Sabourin

Patricia Rousseau

Paul Dupuis

Peter Rosenthal

Rita De Viti

Sanjay Persand

Yuliya Milinkis


Invités : aucun

Le président d'assemblée, Renaud Guiard, ouvre la réunion.

Philippe Marazzani est nommé secrétaire de l'assemblée.

Le président présente l'exécutif aux membres.

1— Adoption de l'ordre du jour :

Le président fait la lecture de l'ordre du jour.

  • Le président demande s'il y a des modifications à y apporter:.Aucun changement n'est proposé à l'ordre du jour.
  • Philippe Poudret propose l'adoption de l'ordre du jour, appuyé par Renaud Guiard.
  • Le président demande si quelqu'un exige le vote.
  • L'ordre du jour est adopté à l'unanimité.

2— Lecture et approbation du procès-verbal de l’assemblée générale annuelle de décembre 2016

Le président fait la lecture du procès-verbal de l'assemblée générale de décembre 2014. 

  • Le président demande s'il y a des changements à apporter au procès-verbal :
    • Demande de correction de la durée des mandats à 2 ans :
      • proposée par Evangelia Costamis
      • appuyée par Ginette Lanteigne
  • L’adoption du procès-verbal 2016 tel que modifié est proposée par Philippe Marazzani qui est appuyé par Renaud Guiard.
  • Le président demande si quelqu'un exige le vote.
  • Le procès-verbal est adopté à l'unanimité.

3— Présentation des invités

Le président excuse l’absence d’Yvon Brodeur pour cause médicale, qui était notre seul invité. Renaud Guiard fait un exposé de la structure de l’Institut afin d’expliquer la différence entre les groupes et sous-groupes, par rapport aux régions et aux chapitres. Il parle des activités du chapitre et indique que les c’est la région qui forme ses membres, dont ceux de ce chapitre. Il donne des exemples de formations.

4— Affaires découlant du procès-verbal de 2016

Aucun suivi n'est requis pour des affaires découlant du procès-verbal de 2016.

5— Rapport du trésorier

Le président d’assemblée cède le plancher au trésorier, Marc Desjardins qui nous parlera des états financiers de 2016 et du budget 2017.

  • Le trésorier passe en revue avec les participants les revenus et les dépenses de 2016.
  • Le trésorier dévoile le budget de 2017
  • Le trésorier ouvre le plancher aux questions des participants sur le rapport financier et le budget.
    • La première question porte sur la raison du montant d’allocation plus petite pour 2016 par rapport à 2015. La raison est qu’il restait trop de fonds de l’exercice financier précédent.
    • Le trésorier mentionne qu’on pourrait organiser plus d’activités au chapitre car on a des fonds pour les planifier et les exécuter. Le problème est que les membres montrent un très faible intérêt par un taux de participation anémique.
  • Le trésorier propose l’adoption des états financiers de 2016 et du budget 2017.
  • Il est appuyé par Dugué Jean-Louis.
  • Le président demande si quelqu'un exige le vote.
  • Les états financiers de 2016 et le budget 2017 sont adoptés à l’unanimité.

6— Rapport du président

Le président d'assemblée reprend la parole comme président du chapitre et fait son rapport. Renaud dit qu’on a organisé quelques activités en 2016, dont des 5 à 7, des diners-causerie. Il note que la participation à cette AGA n’est pas aussi bonne qu’en 2016. Le président parle du rôle de l’Institut, de la retraite stratégiques des présidents de chapitres et des présidents de comités régionaux pour échange d’idées. Il parle également des activités des comités comme le Comité des Jeunes, la Condition féminine, le comité diversité. Le président explique que les objectifs nationaux descendent d’en haut vers les régions et les chapitres. Cette année, les présidents de chapitres n’ont jamais eu les objectifs nationaux alors on a le champ libre pour innover. Si nos membres ont des idées, on est ouvert à toutes suggestions. On veut sortir, chercher les gens pour la mobilisation, se retrouver ensemble et discuter de nos problèmes.

7— Statuts et règlements


Une motion est amenée par le comité exécutif du chapitre :

B-1 Adoption des règles de procédure particulières

Attendu que l’Institut tente de moderniser ses statuts;

Attendu que The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedures et le Code Morin présentent des différences et ne sont pas traduits dans les deux langues officielles;

Il est proposé que l’article 9 des statuts soit amendé comme ceci :


Aux réunions du Chapitre ou de l’exécutif du Chapitre ou de ses comités, un vote majoritaire des membres présents permet de régler les questions de procédure qui n’ont pas été prévues. Le président d’assemblée se prononce d’abord sur la question de procédure ou de règlement et, sauf dispositions contraires dans les statuts, fonde sa décision sur l’édition la plus récente de The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure des Règles de procédure des assemblées syndicales de l’Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada disponible à la réunion.

Le président fait la lecture de la motion, enjoint les participants à aller voir l’article 9 dans les statuts, et explique que l’Institut a proposé un nouveau code pour régir les réunions des corps constituants parce qu’on en avait des différents entre la version du Québec (code Morin, non disponible en anglais) et ailleurs avec le Code of Paliamentary Procedure (non disponible en français). Comme on n’en a pas de copies la proposition de changer les statuts sera reportée à l’an prochain. La motion de changement est retirée.

8— Élections

Le président de l'assemblée a désigné président d'élection, Philippe Poudret qui remettra son rapport d’élection à l’exécutif du chapitre. En résumé, les postes suivants ont été comblés pour un mandat de 2 ans.

  • Président : Renaud Guiard élu par acclamation.
  • Vice-président : Marc Sabourin élu par une majorité de votes.
  • Trésorier : Marc Desjardins élu par acclamation.
  • Secrétaire : Philippe Marazzani élu par acclamation.
  • Membre actif : Damien Noël élu par acclamation.
  • Membre actif : Dugué Jean-Louis élu par acclamation.
  • Membre actif : Baris Demir élu par acclamation.           

9— Varia

Le président explique le segment, qui sert à donner aux membres le plancher pour émettre leurs commentaires, poser des questions.

Marc Sabourin explique l’historique du chapitre de Montréal, puis la dissension qui a ensuite permis la création du chapitre Ville-Marie. Marc émet l’opinion que le chapitre n’a pas fait grand-chose pour le budget dont il dispose. On n’a rien fait au sujet de Phénix. Il dit qu’il va s’impliquer au chapitre pour voir à proposer des changements et des activités.

Evangelia Costamis demande comment un tiers des personnes qui avaient accepté l’invitation à l’AGA, ne se sont pas présenté. Philippe Marazzani va leur écrire pour expliquer les coûts encourus au chapitre et, en définitive, aux membres.


9— Levée de la séance

  • L'ordre du jour étant épuisé, le président demande si quelqu'un propose la levée de l'assemblée.
  • Philippe Marazzani propose la levée de l'assemblée
  • Il est appuyé par Philippe Poudret.
  • Le président demande si quelqu'un exige le vote.
  • La levée de l'assemblée est adoptée à l'unanimité. Le président remercie tous les participants.
  • La séance est levée.

Renaud Guiard, président d'assemblée

Philippe Marazzani, secrétaire


The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada





These By-Laws, in general, pertain to matters of Branch organization not covered by the By-Laws and Regulations of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada or of the Québec Region, and are made pursuant to those By-Laws and Regulations.


"Institute” and/or “PIPSC" means The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada.

“Members” means those who meet the requirements of By-Law 3 Membership.

“President” means President of the Branch unless otherwise specified.

“Vice-President” means Vice-President of the Branch unless otherwise specified.


The name of the Branch shall be PIPSC Ville-Marie Branch, hereinafter referred to as the "Branch".


The aim of the Branch shall be to represent Branch interests, to provide a forum for the discussion of Institute affairs, to administer this Constitution and By-Laws, to make recommendations to Regional Council and to the Institute on topics or matters within the objectives of the Institute, and to nominate delegates to Regional Council and Institute meetings in accordance with the Constitutions and By-Laws of those constituent bodies.


3.1 Every Regular member located within the geographic area of the Branch as described by the Institute shall be a Regular member of the Branch.

3.2 Every Retired member located within the geographic area of the Branch as described by the Institute shall be a Retired member of the Branch.


4.1 All members shall be eligible to hold office, nominate members for positions on the Branch Executive, propose amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Branch and vote in Branch affairs.

4.2 All members shall be eligible to attend and speak at General meetings of the Branch.


5.1 Branch Finances: Branch finances shall be consistent with Institute policies.

5.2 Fiscal Year:  The fiscal year of the Branch shall be the calendar year.

5.3 Expenditures:  The Branch Executive shall expend such monies as it considers necessary for the conduct of the business of the Branch.

5.4 Branch Funds: Branch funds will be maintained in an account assigned by the Institute.

5.5 Signing Officers: Signing officers are elected or appointed by the Constituent Body executive with the decision being recorded in the appropriate minutes. There should be a minimum of three signing officers. 

5.6 Signatures: All cheques shall have the signatures of two signing officers. A signatory cannot also be the payee.

5.7 Records A written account shall be kept of all expenditures.

5.8 Auditing As required, auditing and verification procedures shall be carried out by members of the Institute who are not responsible for the administration of funds of the Branch.


6.1 Role: The Branch Executive shall exercise the authority of and act on behalf of the Branch on all matters subject to this constitution between general meetings of the Branch.

6.2 Composition The Branch Executive shall be elected by and from the Branch members. The Branch Executive shall be composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer3 and Members -at-Large up to the maximum permitted by Institute By-Laws4.

6.3 Term of Office The term of office shall be two (2) years5 with the exception of the first election when half the members shall be elected for a two (2) year term and the remainder for a one (1) year term.

6.4 Meetings The Branch Executive shall meet as frequently as is required, but at least three times a year.       

6.5 Quorum A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Branch Executive.

6.6 Voting Decisions shall be by majority vote.

6.7 Vacancies

6.7.1 If the position of President becomes vacant, the Vice-President shall assume the position of the President until the next election.

6.7.2 If a position, other than that of the President, becomes vacant for any reason, the remaining members of the Executive may select an eligible member of the Branch to fill that vacancy until the next election.

6.7.3 Any member who is absent from two (2) consecutive meetings of the Executive without valid reason shall be considered to have resigned from the Executive.

6.8 Duties

6.8.1 President The President shall call and preside at all meetings of the Branch and of the Branch Executive, and shall present to the Annual General meeting a report on Branch activities.

6.8.2 Vice-President The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of his duties and, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of that position.

6.8.3 Secretary The Secretary shall be responsible for sending notices of all meetings of the Branch and of the Branch Executive. The Secretary shall record minutes of meetings, including attendance, maintain records and correspondence of the Branch and of the Branch Executive, and shall ensure that a copy of minutes are filed with the Institute. The Secretary shall also be responsible for submitting reports as required by the relevant Institute and Region By-Laws and Regulations6.

6.8.4 Treasurer The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Branch as required by Institute policy, prepare a financial report for each meeting of the Branch Executive and each General Meeting of the Branch, submit a detailed financial statement to the Institute as required, and prepare the request for the annual allowance of the Branch.  Copies of the financial report shall be available to all Branch members.

6.8.5 Members-at-Large Members-at-Large shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the Executive.

6.8.6 Committees The Executive may establish Committees as necessary, with terms of reference and membership to be decided by the Executive. Copies of committee reports shall be filed with the Branch Secretary7. Committees shall be dissolved by majority vote of the Executive.


7.1 Elections Committee The Executive shall appoint an Elections Committee to receive nominations for positions on the Branch Executive, and to conduct the elections.  Any member of the Committee who becomes a candidate in the elections shall resign from the Committee.

7.2 Procedure for Nominations

7.2.1 A call for nominations for election to the Branch Executive shall be included with the notice of the Branch Annual General Meeting. (See 8.1.2)

7.2.2 Nominations may be submitted in writing or may be made from the floor of the Branch AGM.

7.2.3 Reserved

7.2.4 The Elections Committee shall satisfy itself that the candidates for election are eligible and willing to serve.

7.3 Election Procedure

7.3.1 The election shall be at the Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM).

7.3.2 The Elections Committee shall serve as Returning Officers and shall establish procedures for the efficient conduct of an election, the counting and tabulating of ballots and all matters directly related thereto.

7.3.3 Reserved

7.3.4 The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for a position shall be declared elected.

7.3.5 The results of the election shall be announced at the Branch Annual General Meeting and subsequently distributed.

7.3.6 The newly elected Branch Executive shall take office at the close of the Branch Annual General Meeting.


8.1 Annual General Meetings

8.1.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Branch is its governing body. All members are entitled to attend.

8.1.2 The Branch Executive shall call an Annual General Meeting once each calendar year.  The interval between such meetings shall not exceed fifteen (15) months. Members shall be notified of the meeting and of any proposed changes to this constitution at least three (3) weeks prior to the date of the meeting.

8.1.3 Quorum Fifty percent (50%) of the members in attendance at the beginning of the meeting shall constitute a quorum8.

8.1.4 Agenda The agenda shall include the following items:

Approval of the Agenda

Adoption of the Minutes of the previous Annual General meeting

Business Arising from the Minutes

Report of the President

Annual Financial Report

Approval of Budget

Report of the Elections Committee

New Business, including By-Law Amendments

8.1.5 Voting on Motions All members present at the Annual General Meeting are eligible to vote9. Voting for positions on the Branch Executive shall be by secret ballot. Otherwise, voting shall normally be by a show of hands. Each member shall have one (1) vote.  Decisions shall be by a simple majority vote.

8.1.6 Filing of Documents Each year, following the Annual General Meeting, the Branch Executive shall submit a copy of the draft AGM minutes, the annual financial report and the elections report to the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Institute prior to end of the calendar year.

8.2 Special General Meeting

8.2.1 A Special General Meeting of the Branch shall be called by the Branch Executive or at the written request of at least 10% of the Branch members and shall be held within six (6) weeks of such decision or request.

8.2.2 Only the matter(s) for which the Special General Meeting was called shall appear on the agenda.

8.2.3 The same requirements shall apply to the notice, quorum, governance, attendance and voting at a Special General Meeting as is prescribed for the Annual General Meeting.


At any meeting of the Branch, Branch Executive or Committees thereof, matters of procedure, insofar as they are not specifically provided for, shall be governed by a majority vote of the members present and voting on the matter of procedure. The Chair of such meeting shall first rule on a matter of procedure or order and shall, in the absence of any By-Law to the contrary, rely upon and be governed by the latest edition of the American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure or “Le code des procédures des assemblées délibérantes” available at the meeting.


10.1 These By-Laws may be amended at a General Meeting of the Branch. Approval of proposed amendments requires a simple majority of those voting.

10.2 All proposals for amendments to these By-Laws shall be submitted, in writing, to the Branch Executive. Proposed amendments may be submitted by any member of the Branch. The notice of the Branch meeting at which the amendments will be considered, shall include:

a)         the article to be amended; and

b)         the new wording.

(See 8.1.2)

10.3 New Constitutions and By-Laws, as well as any amendments, shall be submitted to the Institute By-Laws and Policies Committee and the appropriate Regional Executive for review.

10.4 This Constitution and By-Laws and any amendments thereto shall take effect upon ratification by the Branch membership and approval by the Institute.

10.5 These Constitution and By-Laws are adopted simultaneously in both English and French, each version being equally authoritative.


11.1 Branch Executive may make such Regulations, and any amendments thereto, not inconsistent with these By-Laws, as it deems necessary or convenient for the operating of the Branch.

11.2 All proposed Regulations and amendments thereto shall be submitted to the Institute for review and approval. They shall take effect on a date determined by the Branch Executive, but not earlier than the date they were approved by the Institute.

11.3 Each such Regulation shall be presented to the next General Meeting of the Branch, and may be rescinded or amended by such meeting. These constitute changes to the Regulations and shall be subject to Article 11.2.


In this Constitution and By-Laws, expressions in the masculine or feminine, in plural or in singular, may be substituted to give effect to the true meaning of the Constitution and By-Laws.

Amended model approved by the BOD

January 28, 2006

Amended model approved by the BOD

July 12-13, 2007

Amended model approved by the BOD

February 22, 2008

Amended model approved by the BOD

March 28, 2009

Amended model approved by the BOD

February 21, 2014

Amended model approved by the BOD

December 11, 2015



1 This model constitution and by-laws is intended to serve as both model and an interim constitution and by-laws for those Branches whose constitutions have yet to be approved and ratified.

2 or Secretary-Treasurer.

3 or Secretary-Treasurer.

4 The size of the Branch Executive is limited by Institute By-Law 11.2.3.

5 Institute By-Laws permit a term of office of up to three years. If a three year term is selected, By-Law 6.2 will need to be amended to reflect the appropriate election process. For example, “The term of office shall be three (3) years, with half the members elected in one year and the remainder elected the following year. In years evenly divisible by three, there would be no election.”

6 By-Laws 6.7.3 and 6.7.4 are to be combined if the positions of Secretary and Treasurer are combined.

7 or Secretary-Treasurer

8 This is considered a minimum. Any quorum requiring a higher number of members present will require another by-law to cover situations when quorum is not reached.

9 Large Branches may restrict voting to AGM delegates.