Montréal-Ouest Branch

MINUTES of Fourth Annual General Meeting of the Montréal-Ouest Branch of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, held Wednesday, July 12, 2017 at the Canadian Meteorological Centre in Dorval.

1. Call to Order

Hugo Landry called the Fourth Montréal-Ouest Branch AGM to order at 6:02 p.m.

He then proceeded to read the agenda.

He moved that Samuel Gilbert take the minutes of the meeting.

Seconded by: Daniel Figueras

Vote: N/A

2. Approval of the Agenda

Moved by: Hugo Landry

Seconded by: Hélène Leboeuf

Vote: N/A

3. Adoption of the 2016 AGM Minutes

Moved by: Pierre Richard

Seconded by: Jacques Montpetit

Vote: N/A

4. Introduction of Executive and Guests

The Branch has approximately 450 members. This entitles us to have 11 people on the Executive.

President: Hugo Landry

Vice-President: Hélène Leboeuf

Secretary: Samuel Gilbert

Treasurer: Jean-Francois Deschêne (absent this evening)


  • Tom Robinson
  • Alexandre Leroux
  • Robert Ménard
  • Pierre Richard
  • Frédéric Dupont
  • Jacques Montpetit
  • Éric Roy

5. Changes to the Constitution and By-Laws

No changes to the By-Laws and Regulations. In response to a question from Najat Benbouta, Hugo explained that changes to the By-Laws must conform to the rules under the national Model Constitution and By-Laws.

6. Finances

6.1. 2016 Financial Report

Allocation: $xxx + $xx per member. The account cannot have more than 1.5 times the allocation. There were not a lot of expenses last year. Given that most of the 2016 activities were associated with renewing collective agreements, it was mainly the bargaining groups who incurred expenses.

Hélène Leboeuf mentioned that potential expenses could be related to training that applies to all members, regardless of Group.

Agnès Barszcz suggested some accounting training to help members understand Phoenix.

Hugo explained that the best way to get back money that was lost due to Phoenix errors is to file a grievance.

Moved by: Tom Robinson

Seconded by: Jacques Montpetit

Vote: N/A

6.2. 2017 Budget Proposal

The meal item in the budget only covers amounts for Executive member meals that surpass PIPSC’s per diem rate.

Hugo said that money is available for visibility items.

Daniel Figuéras asked if there were any ideas for visibility items. He was worried that we would be in the same situation of not having spent all the money allotted to us.

We need to set aside approximately $xxxx for the AGM. Based on our bank account, we could budget $xxxx to $xxxx more.

The budget does not have to be followed right to the dollar. Hélène Leboeuf urged those in attendance to share their ideas at any time over the year.

Robert Ménard proposed an amendment to the budget: Add a budget item of $xxxx specifically for visibility items related to Phoenix.

Moved by: Agnès Barszcz

Debated by: Hugo Landry, Daniel Figueras, Jacques Montpetit, Frédéric Dupont, Samuel Gilbert, Tom Robinson

Vote: The amendment was defeated.

Daniel proposed an amendment to increase the amount for visibility items to $xxxx.

Proposed by: Alexandre Leroux

Hugo said that it was a good idea. Nonetheless, he suggested that a formal motion be presented.

Vote: Carried

The budget was approved as amended.

Moved by: Serge Trudel

Seconded by: Tom Robinson

Vote: Carried

Agnès Barszcz moved that we revisit item 6.2 on the agenda.

Moved by: Marc-André Bédard

Vote: The motion was defeated.

7. Election

Hugo Landry turned the floor over to Alexandre Leroux.

Alexandre explained the voting procedure and said that five positions were up for election: Vice‑President, Secretary and three Members-at-Large. The term of office for all these positions is two years. The vote was carried out by secret ballot. There is a maximum of two renewals, and only for the position of President. However, if no one volunteers for the position, the outgoing President can run for an additional term.

Hugo Landry explained the special workplace-related rules under the Branch’s Constitution and By-Laws.

He also clarified the role of the Executive members and recalled that anything related to labour relations comes under the Steward job.

Since Hélène Leboeuf had been re-elected (coming from 700 Place Capreol), we no longer needed to make the workplace-related issues a priority.

See the election report for details.

End of election.

8. Other Business

C-27 - Hugo Landry

The bill introduced by Bill Morneau affects federal employees who are not civil servants. So the employer could change the defined benefit pension plan to a defined contribution plan.

All of the unions stand united in opposing this bill that would set a precedent at the federal level.

Agnès Barszcz asked if we could hold a Lunch and Learn to discuss Bill C-27.

Jacques Montpetit inquired as to whether the retirement courses are held regularly. Alexandre Leroux clarified that this issue is dealt with at the Union-Management meetings. The hope is to have some on‑site trainers at the CMC. Alexandre Leroux is confident that this will go ahead.

Hélène Leboeuf asked if anyone knew what training PIPSC would be offering to members. She also asked if the training would be available to CS members at Transport Canada as well.

Motion concerning Phoenix

It was proposed that the Branch Executive focus on activities and visibility/promotional items showing the members’ dissatisfaction with the Phoenix system.

Moved by: Robert Ménard

Seconded by: Agnès Barszcz

Vote: Carried

9. Adjournment

Moved by: Marc-André Bédard

Seconded by: Jacques Montpetit