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Montréal-Ouest Branch

MINUTES of the sixth Annual General Meeting of the Montréal-Ouest Branch of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, held Tuesday, May 28, 2018 at the Canadian Meteorological Centre in Dorval

1. Call to order

Tom Robinson called the meeting to order at 5:49 p.m., noting that we were meeting in unceded traditional territory of the Iroquois, Mohawk and Huron-Wendat First Nations. Tom Robinson nominated Guillaume Marcotte as minute-taker for the meeting. Seconded by Samuel Gilbert. The motion was unanimously accepted.

2. Approval of the agenda

1. Call to order
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Approval of the 2018 AGM minutes and action items
4. Introduction of the Executive / President’s Report
5. Changes to the By-Laws and Regulations
6. Finances
6.1. 2018 Financial Report
6.2. 2019 Budget Proposal
7. Election
8. Other business
9. Adjournment

Moved by: Tom Robinson
Seconded by: Hugo Landry
Adopted unanimously as presented.

3. Approval of the 2018 AGM minutes and action items

The 2018 minutes were not attached to the invitation and could not be easily accessed on the website, so Hugo Landry went over them briefly with the participants before they were approved.

Moved by: Hélène Leboeuf
Seconded by: Pascal Dehasse
Carried unanimously.

4. Introduction of the Executive / President’s Report

Tom Robinson introduced the Branch Executive:
President: Hugo Landry
Vice-President: Hélène Lebœuf
Secretary: Guillaume Marcotte
Treasurer: Samuel Gilbert

  • Tom Robinson
  • Alexandre Leroux
  • Robert Ménard
  • Samuel Gilbert
  • Jacques Montpetit
  • Pierre G. Richard
  • Agnieszka Barszcz

Tom Robinson turned the floor over to Hugo Landry for the President’s Report. Hugo Landry began by highlighting the CMC’s move to 700 Leigh-Capreol and the sustained efforts of the local Stewards and the Membership Committee. Protests against this project raised by members during a visit of the Assistant Deputy Ministers to the CMC led to the project being abandoned in its current form. The local members and the assembly emphasized their support for this decision.

Hugo Landry then reported on the outing to the orchard organized for Branch members. About 40 people turned out and another orchard outing is being considered.

Two new Stewards joined the local team, Samuel Gilbert and Joël Bédard.

Pascal Dehasse asked what happened to the survey sent to members regarding the choice of T-shirts and Phoenix cards. Hugo Landry explained that the T-shirt project had been dropped due to a combination of circumstances. He asked the meeting participants if they wanted us to pursue this initiative. It will be discussed during Other Business.

Najat Benbouta asked about the rules of the central negotiating table. Hugo Landry explained the role of the central table in the bargaining process, i.e. negotiating issues common to all PIPSC groups. He made the distinction by explaining how the Groups’ demands come on top of what is bargained at the central table.

5. Amendment of the By-Laws and Regulations

Tom Robinson announced that there are no amendments this year.

6. Finances

Tom Robinson turned the floor over to Samuel Gilbert, Treasurer of the Montréal-Ouest Branch.

6.1. 2018 Financial Report

Samuel Gilbert explained the revenues and expenditures. Not all of the expenditures in the 2018 budget were incurred. Michel Tesserault asked for details on the expenses related to the outing to the orchard.

6.2. 2019 Budget Proposal

Samuel Gilbert explained the details of the 2019 budget and how the allowance was calculated. He also explained PIPSC’s rules for Branch cash flow. Guillaume Marcotte asked what expenses were involved under office supplies. They were mainly printing expenses.

Pascal Dehasse moved that the budget for visibility expenses, particularly for Phoenix, be increased. Hélène Leboeuf seconded the motion. Samuel Gilbert cautioned the assembly against a motion to direct on visibility expenditure. A discussion followed on managing expenses and on the procedural rules for proposals to change the budget.

Pascal Dehasse moved:
to amend line 14 of the budget allocation concerning visibility and mobilization expenditures.
Seconded by Georges El-Asmar.

Discussion on the motion:
Pascal Dehasse added that it may be worthwhile to set aside some money for activities. Jacques Montpetit asked if we could spend more than the limits voted on at general meetings. Hugo Landry explained that the AGM is the governing event and has authority over expenses. Under normal circumstances, the Executive must not spend more than the budget allocations voted on at the meeting.

Jacques Montpetit also asked if we had already spent the total allocated to visibility. Hugo Landry replied that, even when Phoenix mobilization was at its peak, we did not go over budget.

Daniel Figueras asked if we could use the money for promotional items to increase the union’s visibility in general (e.g. cups). Hugo Landry said yes. This budget item can be used for that purpose.

Najat Benbouta asked if an outing to the sugar shack would be included under activities.

Jacques Montpetit asked if external expertise is covered by the Branch budget, for example, for workplace design standards. Hugo Landry replied that no, this would be covered by Labour Relations, i.e. by Stewards under consultation budget.

Tom Robinson asked if anyone had anything to add regarding the motion. The assembly proceeded to a vote.
The motion was carried by a majority.

Daniel Figueras asked about the Branch’s cash position.

Alexandre Leroux asked for clarification on the accounting rules that led to a deficit.

Gérard Croteau wanted to know the main work locations covered by the Branch. The reply: CMC, 700 Leigh-Capreol and the NFB. The NFB is a separate agency, so they naturally keep a distance from the Branch since they have their own Group.

Alexandre Leroux asked if it was possible to see the Branch’s expenses other than those related to the AGM. The expenditure statement was shown to the attendees.

Samuel Gilbert moved that the budget be approved.
Seconded by Gérard Croteau.
Tom Robinson called for a vote. The budget was adopted by a majority.

7. Election

Tom Robinson said that the positions of Vice-President, Secretary and Member-at-Large were up for election. He gave the floor to Hugo Landry, Chair of the Election Committee.

Hugo Landry recalled the election procedures.
Hugo Landry briefly explained the mandates of the available positions. Details of the election can be found in the Election Chair’s report.

8. Other Business

Tom Robinson asked if there was any other business.

Jacques Montpetit asked if anyone was overseeing the planning of the workspaces. Hugo Landry explained that the issue is that the two-person workstations will now accommodate three people. He went on to explain that he and Samuel Gilbert are on the advisory committees and that they make sure that health and safety standards are met in new layouts. Questions followed regarding how the electricity would be managed. Hugo Landry replied that these issues are being looked at and that the necessary adjustments are being made. Jacques Montpetit asked if the office supplies presented were final. Hugo Landry replied that the furniture has been chosen but that there is flexibility the model itself. Medium height panels will be installed.

Pascal Dehasse started a discussion on how to increase visibility. Hugo Landry suggested that the discussion continue at the first Executive meeting since the key stakeholders are on the Executive. Daniel Figueras added that if the Executive does not have time to create original materials, PIPSC promotional materials can always be purchased to increase visibility in the workplace. Hugo Landry took the opportunity to distribute visibility items to the members present.

Gérard Croteau brought up the federal election. He explained his fears around the uncertainty of a change in government. Hugo Landry talked about how the public service can best mobilize during an election period. He presented an approach of surveying political parties to create a more neutral discourse, but explained that PIPSC does not take an official position because that is not part of its mandate and the Government of Canada is our employer.

Michel Tesserault asked if we had any additional information on the major issues affecting the union (e.g. sick leave plan, Phoenix). Hugo Landry replied that we do not necessarily have privileged information but that he is open to questions. Hélène Leboeuf added that a lunch and learn or a question and answer period could be held at the Transport Canada office with some knowledgeable PIPSC representatives.

Hélène Leboeuf asked if the Branch was planning to increase the visibility of Bill C-27 on the pension plan (fixed benefit to defined benefit). Hélène Leboeuf said not much has been heard on the matter. Hugo Landry said that Bill C-27 would affect government bodies, but not public servants. He also clarified the situation of New Brunswick employees who are members of PIPSC and have been affected by similar provincial legislation. Currently, the bill is pending in Parliament and may die on the order paper when Parliament dissolves in October. Hugo Landry added that there has been less focus on the bill since Phoenix. He stated that the pension plan is run under legislation and that PIPSC has no leverage in this matter.

A discussion on Phoenix followed. Hugo Landry said that the tentative agreement stipulates mandatory consultation with the unions before replacing Phoenix. Pascal Dehasse asked for details on the $400 bonus if the timelines for implementing collective agreements are not met. Hugo Landry gave his interpretation of the clause.

9. Adjournment

Tom Robinson adjourned the meeting at 7:23 p.m.


Election report

Annual General Meeting—May 28, 2019

Election procedure presented by Hugo Landry.

Positions up for election

  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • 4 Members-at-Large, 2-year terms
  • 1 Member-at-Large, 1-year term
  • Nominations for Vice-President
    • Gérard Croteau nominated Hélène Leboeuf, who accepted.

Hélène Leboeuf elected by acclamation.

  • Nominations for Secretary
    • Guillaume Marcotte nominated himself.

Guillaume Marcotte elected by acclamation.

  • Nominations for the 4 Members-at-Large with two-year terms
    • Najat Benbouta nominated Gérard Croteau
    • Frédéric Dupont nominated Pascal Dehasse
    • Hélène Leboeuf nominated Michel Thessereault
    • Hélène Leboeuf nominated Pierre G. Richard
    • Samuel Gilbert nominated Alexandre Leroux
    • Najat Benbouta nominated Jacques Montpetit.

Michel Thessereault and Pierre G. Richard declined, the others accepted their nominations.

Gérard Croteau, Pascal Dehasse, Alexandre Leroux and Jacques Montpetit were elected by acclamation.

  • Nominations for 1 Member-at-Large with 1-year term
    • Pierre G. Richard nominated himself.

Pierre Girard elected by acclamation.

End of election

We thank and congratulate the new members of the Montreal West Chapter Executive.

Hugo Landry

hugo laundry signature

Election chair