Ottawa Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2017 à 11:30 am
Atomic Rooster, Ottawa

Present :
Steve Anderson
Christian Baillargeon
Jean Boulet
Manuel Cruz
Nick Schonning    

Dong Xiao    

1.    Greetings
The President, Steve Anderson, called the meeting to order at 12:10 pm.

2.    Approval of agenda
a.    Motion to approve made by Christian.
b.    Second by Manuel
Motion approved by all.

3.    Review and adoption of minutes from December 13, 2016
a.    Motion to approve made by Jean
b.    Second by Nick
Minutes approved

4.    Finances
a.    Budget summary 2016
i.    The Holiday spirit event JETN Dec. 15, 2016 cost was $ 173.62 and had a good turnaround.
ii.    The banners have been received at $ 614.15
iii.    Cost of last executive meeting/dinner of 2016, December 13 was about $ 350.
iv.    Balance is $ 29.47.
b.    Budget 2017
i.    To receive our 2017 funding, the branch has to meet certain criteria’s. Criteria’s are met and Steve will follow up with the main office to ensure they have all the needed info.
ii.    Then the funding should be available. Date is yet to be known.
iii.    In the meantime our committee approved an advance of $ 2000 to continue our operations and cover the upcoming February AGM.
iv.    Our president will contact our main office to obtain the advance.
c.    Upcoming large spending for 2017
i.    AGM/Pizza lunch in February.
ii.    Other events yet to be determined.

5.    CS bargaining update
a.    Bargaining is on-going on January 12 and 13. Update to follow.
b.    Tuesday January 10, we had an info table for PIPS in the JETS lobby.

6.    Winter-spring newsletter
a.    The winter 2016 should be posted soon.
b.    We are looking at the spring on right after the AGM.
c.    Individuals are asked to contribute.

7.    AGM
a.    Motion was presented by Jean to hold the AGM on February 8, in the Guy Bélisle room JETS., Seconded by Steve
Motion approved by all.
b.    Motion was presented by Steve for a budget of up to $ 1500 for the AGM on February 8.
Seconded by Nick
Motion approved by all.
c.    The room has already been booked.
d.    Invitation to members
i.    The invitation to be sent to members at least 3 weeks ahead.
ii.    Steve has drafted a note.
iii.    Note to be translated and reviewed ASAP.
e.    Registration
i.    When registering, members are asked for the PIPSC number.
ii.    We will have a spreadsheet to confirm invitations at the door.
Action item for Christian.
f.    Invited guest
i.    Steve will invite other members from other groups, non CS.
g.    Crémazie.
i.    We will book a room that has videoconference capabilities to broadcast the AGM.
ii.    We will need at least one member of the executive to be on site and monitor the evet
1.    Food
2.    Flyers
3.    Others.
4.    Jean has volunteer to be on site.
h.    Part of the agenda’s items will be the President, Vice-president, Treasurer and Secretary’s reports.
i.    Election
i.    Three positions are up for election
1.    President
2.    Treasurer
3.    Member at large (2)
j.    Secretary’s report, number of meetings during the year.

8.    Roundtable
a.    Christian presented a thumbs up to Debi Daviau for her overall presence and visibility as President of PIPSC.

9.    Next meeting to be held after the AGM in February.

10.    Adjournment.
a.    Motion to adjourn made by Jean
Second by Nick.
Motion approved by all
Meeting adjourned at 1:20 pm.