MINUTES of   Vancouver SP Sub Group Executive Meeting 

Date: Wednesday  June 20 2018

Time:  5:45- 8:15 pm

Location: Gojo Little Africa, 2838 Commercial Dr, Vancouver BC


Simon Cowell (Jan 2019) -President

Tanya Evans (Jan 2020) - Vice President  -regrets

Timothy Powers (Jan 2020) – Treasurer

Kathy Kerr (Jan 2019) - Secretary -  

Denis Semail (Jan 2019) - Member at large - regrets 

Sammy Li (Jan 2019) - Member at large 

Eric Crawford (Jan 2020) - Member at large

Jaqueline Oddi (Jan 2020) – Member at large


  1. Call to Order @ 17:45 hr
  2. Approval of Agenda; m/s Carried
  3. Approval of draft minutes of March 15 2018 SP SG Exec meeting; m/s Carried
  4. Business arising from March 15 2018 minutes:
  1. Action items– Completed;
  2. Cowell continues to follow up on our sub group’s request for the PIPSC by laws committee, to implement the changes (to our by laws) that were approved by members at an SP SG AGM over two years ago)
  1. Treasurer’s report – Tim provided report; status of budget; confirmed allotment received; and an update on signing authority;
  2. National and regional updates:
  1. SP AGM (April 2018);

K Kerr provided summary;

  1. Regional Council (June 1-2)

Cowell (& Kerr) provided summary, and, noted there was extensive discussion by the delegates at the Regional Council, on the need to encourage & facilitate younger members to get more involved.

  1. Consultation Symposium (June 14 -15 2018) Cowell & Kerr provided summary
  1. PIPSC Lunch & Learns , Pensions, EWSP

PIPSC Pension lunch and learn at Health Canada (Burnaby); YWCA (Downtown); Indigenous Affairs (downtown) were well attended; Rob McDonald, Regional Director, is looking into arrange future PIPSC presentations on Pension for our members;

  1. Strategic Bargaining;

Bargaining Survey was circulated to SP members; Results to be analyzed by SP Bargaining team and form part of the information relied upon to develop negotiating positions; One rep of each PIPSC Group (including the SP Group) are meeting to discuss bargaining priorities and provisions of the collective agreements;

  1. Upcoming training and events:

Steward Council (Burnaby, Oct 19 -20)

PIPSC National AGM (Ottawa, Nov 2-3)

Steward Training (Richmond, Nov 22-24)

  1. Vancouver Sub Group Activities for 2018 :
  1. Simon to discuss collaborating with Vancouver Branch :

In organizing events, such as a coffee truck and give everyone a token to order an ice cream; Encourage members to arrange lunch and learns or other engagement events;

  1. Other Business: none
  1. Location and preferred dates of next 2 Executive meetings (proposed Sept 13th, Nov 28th or Dec 5th)
  1. Next meeting Thursday Sept 13th at location (to be determined)

Motion to adjourn:  8 pm