Lunch and Learn on Bargaining


Hello members of Downtown Edmonton SP Subgroup,


When: November 30th 12-1pm

Where: Canada Place, room 9-002 (Health Canada RDG Boardroom). [Go to 9th floor, then south.]

Food: Pizza, snacks, and drinks


Did you notice our collective agreement expired on October 1st 2022?

Are you wondering when our next contract will be signed?
Are you wondering if you’ll have to go on strike?

Do you just want to understand more about bargaining?


Come join the meeting and get an introduction to bargaining and what is happening in the current round of a bargaining from a member of the SP bargaining team while socializing and getting a free lunch.


RSVP is not required to attend, but if you plan on coming send me a quick email Graham Irvine letting me know will make sure I have enough food for everyone. 


If you have any dietary restrictions or topping preferences let me know too, I’ll do my best to accommodate everyone.


Thank you, and hope to see you on November 30th.


Graham Irvine

PIPSC SP Steward

President Downtown Edmonton SP Subgroup

SP bargaining team member