Québec City Chapter, Retired Members Guild

MINUTES of the Executive Committee meeting of the Québec City Chapter of the Retired Members Guild (RMG), Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), held on March 28, 2018 at Le Rascal restaurant, 5050 Wilfrid-Hamel Boulevard, Québec City, Quebec G2E 5X5


Michel Bédard

Madeleine Lapointe

Jean-Pierre Morency

Léandre Sévigny

Daniel Brouillette joined us at 11:27 a.m.

1.0 Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m.

The President, Jean-Pierre Morency, welcomed the members.

2.0 Review and Approval of the Agenda

The President read the agenda.

Michel Bédard suggested that we discuss travel insurance at item 12 (Other and New Business).

Michel Bédard, seconded by Léandre Sévigny, moved that the agenda be approved, with the addition of the above-mentioned issue at item 12.

Carried unanimously.

3.0 Reading and Adoption of August 9, 2017 Minutes

Madeleine Lapointe proposed that a correction be made to the second paragraph of item 4 to change the time of the October 10 meeting to 10:30 a.m. rather than 11 a.m.

Elie Ahad, seconded by Jean-Pierre Morency, moved that the minutes of the August 9, 2017 meeting be approved, with the amendment mentioned in the above paragraph.

Carried unanimously.

Michel Bédard will send the minutes to be posted on the PIPSC website.

Action: Michel Bédard

4.0 Business Arising from the August 29, 2017 Minutes

Item 3.0 Secretary-Treasurer to send March 29, 2017 minutes for posting on the PIPSC website

Action completed

Item 8.0 2017 AGM and Arrangements for Debi Daviau’s Visit

Due to a scheduling conflict, Debi Daviau was unable to attend our AGM.

Action completed

5.0 Update on the Chapter’s Finances

Madeleine Lapointe presented the statement of our Chapter’s revenues and expenses as of February 28, 2018.

The members expressed satisfaction with the report and approved it unanimously.

6.0 Report by Élie Ahad, Our Regional Representative

Two RMG National Executive meetings were held in the National Capital Region (November 16, 2017 and January 11, 2018), as well as the RMG’s AGM (on the afternoon of November 16), the PIPSC AGM (November 17 and 18) and a Vision Committee meeting (January 10, 2018).

A teleconference organized by Richard Rice on October 17, 2017 to choose an Acting President for the RMG could not be held because of technical problems.

Élie Ahad chaired the election at the November 16 meeting to choose an Acting President. The two candidates who ran for the position were Terry Sing and Richard Rice. Terry Sing was elected Acting President, starting on November 16, 2017 and ending on January 11, 2018. Gordon Bulmer was invited to the November 16 meeting as a Parliamentarian. Élie Ahad gave a brief presentation on the Vision Committee’s origin and terms of reference.

There are now two different RMG brochures: a paper brochure prepared by Richard Rice and the old electronic version that was on the website.

Bill C-27 has been set aside for now but has not died yet.

At the RMG’s AGM, the resolutions to amend By-Laws 8.10, 8.11 and 9.1.2 were withdrawn because the members were not notified within the time limit set out in the By-Laws.

At the PIPSC AGM, all anti-RMG resolutions were withdrawn because the mover of the resolutions was absent. All PIPSC Board of Director positions will be up for election at the same time this year.

Élie Ahad was the Election Chair at the January 11, 2018 meeting. The following four positions were voted on:

RMG President: Terry Sing was elected by acclamation.

Vice-President: Two candidates (Charlotte Strandlund and Richard Rice)—Charlotte Strandlund was elected.

Secretary: Don Eldershaw was elected by acclamation.

Treasurer: Two candidates (Michael A. Forbes and Richard Rice)—Richard Rice was elected.

In January 2018, the RMG member count was 2772. Marielle Nadon (new RMG Secretary) was introduced to the Executive. PIPSC has set up a system to assist members experiencing problems with Phoenix. The system applies only to regular members. Patrick Kinnear (past RMG President) received the PIPSC Life Membership Award. A commemorative plaque for life members will be unveiled during PIPSC’s 100th anniversary. The list of life members will also be posted on the website. There are currently 20 members still alive.

There will be an election in the fall of 2018 for 4 positions on the National Executive: NCR (2), Quebec (1) and Prairies (1). Discussion on a business plan prepared by Richard Rice was deferred to the next meeting.

The upcoming meetings of the Vision Committee and National Executive will be held in the National Capital Region on April 25 and 26, 2018. The Quebec Regional Council is set for May 4 and 5, 2018 in Orford.

Élie Ahad raised the fact that the National RMG has not posted the minutes of its AGMs for the past six years. He also raised the issue in October, but without success. We were unanimous in asking Élie Ahad to table a motion at the next National Executive meeting to request that, as a minimum, the minutes of the national AGMs be made available online.

Action: Élie Ahad

7.0 Québec City Branch News

Two Branch meetings took place since our last meeting, one on December 13, 2017 and the other on February 7, 2018.

The December 13 meeting was an evening gathering of former and new members of the Branch.

The Branch is in the process of organizing an event for June 16, 2018.

Its activities in 2018 will be geared to opposing Phoenix.

The next Branch meeting is scheduled for April 12, 2018.

8.0 Update on Bill C-27

Jean-Pierre Morency is monitoring what is happening with the bill, but there have no big developments.

PIPSC is currently focusing on Phoenix and putting less effort into the Bill C-27 file.

On the other hand, the NDP, the National Association of Federal Retirees (NAFR) and the Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ) are continuing to make representations.

9.0 Discussion and Action on Chapter Membership

Madeleine Lapointe mentioned that she had received an initial list of 67 Québec City Chapter members on February 2. Following an address change that she requested, she received a new list on February 8 containing 61 members. Given the short time between the two lists, Madeleine Lapointe questioned the accuracy of the Chapter’s membership list. Linda Martel at the PIPSC National Office cannot send us the Quebec Region members’ contact information because it is confidential.

For the purposes of the fall AGM, it was agreed that Élie Ahad, Regional Representative, would ask the Regional Office for the list of Quebec Region members at the end of July so that we are sure to contact all members in our Chapter.

Action: Élie Ahad

In comparing the membership list received in February to last year’s list, we noted that some people have not renewed.

For newly retired members who did not renew their RMG membership, we will not be taking any action because they have received the information they need. For former retired members, Madeleine Lapointe will be sending them an email to ask them why they have not renewed.

Action: Madeleine Lapointe

10.0 Discussion and Potential Action on PIPSC’s Internal Debates

Jean-Pierre Morency gave a summary of the internal debates within PIPSC.

Since some of the information is confidential, it was given in camera.

11.0 News from the Table de concertation des personnes aînées de la Capitale-Nationale

Jean-Pierre Morency attended the meeting of the Table de concertation de la Capitale-Nationale on February 28 in the Marie-Guyart Room at Le Montmartre.

A report was given by the committee monitoring the Plan d’action 2017-2020 pour l’accessibilité universelle, les personnes ayant des incapacités et les personnes aînées (2017-2020 action plan on universal accessibility for people with disabilities and seniors). They were advised of the new protocol for seniors round tables. They unsucessfully tried to get information on the Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de la Capitale-Nationale. As part of the TANGO project (assistance to people losing their autonomy),a meeting was held with the Réseau de transport de la Capitale. A very interesting presentation was given on the Curateur public.

The NAFR’s general information meeting was held on October 13, 2017 at the Patro Roc-Amadour. They presented the improvement projects for the next few years. You can find details of the survey findings at www.anrf-sq.org/sondage-2017.html

The Table is still actively involved with Bill C-27 (changes to the pension plan) and the challenge against increases in drug insurance premiums.

12.0 Other and New Business

Travel insurance

Michel Bédard told us that the yearly cost of PIPSC’s travel insurance for stays of less than 40 days for multiple risk coverage is $110 until the age of 70.The price is less than the MEDOC insurance offered by the NAFR. He learned that negotiations are ongoing with the insurer to secure insurance for members aged 70 and older. Michel Bédard proposed to follow up.

Action: Michel Bédard

Jean-Pierre Morency said that he had spoken with MEDOC about his travel insurance and was surprised to find out that he was not insured because he was over 70. Léandre Sévigny indicated that the MEDOC price list includes premiums for those aged 70 and over. We did not understand. Michel Bédard offered to check with MEDOC about it.

Action: Michel Bédard

Daniel Brouillette told us that, in the event of a car accident while travelling, the SAAQ covers all medical costs, as well as drug costs and the costs of returning home, if applicable. https://saaq.gouv.qc.ca/en/traffic-accident/in-the-event-of-an-accident-outside-quebec/

13.0 Adjournment

Daniel Brouillette, seconded by Michel Bédard, moved that the meeting be adjourned at 3:55 p.m.

Carried unanimously.

Madeleine Lapointe


Québec City Chapter, Retired Members Guild

The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

April 4, 2018

Jean-Pierre Morency President’s Signature

Madeleine Lapointe Secretary-Treasurer’s Signature