Call for Nominations

Elections                 Elections                Elections

Pursuant to articles 4.0, 6.0 and 7.0 of the Retired Members Guild Québec City Chapter’s By-Laws, please be advised that all positions of the Chapter’s Executive will be filled by election at the 2017 Annual General Meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, October 10, 2017.

Nominations can be made in writing before the AGM, or verbally at the AGM. Each nomination must be made by a member in good standing and seconded by another member in good standing. All nominations made in writing should be e-mailed to Gideon Drouin, Chairman of the elections, at

Members whose nomination was submitted in writing, but who cannot make it to the 2017 AGM, should confirm their acceptance of the nomination to the Chairman of the elections, in writing.

Michel Bédard
Québec City Chapter, Retired Members Guild