Québec City Chapter, Retired Members Guild

MINUTES of the Executive meeting of the Québec City Chapter of PIPSC’s Retired Members Guild (RMG), held on August 9, 2017 at Le Rascal restaurant, 5050 Wilfrid-Hamel Boulevard, Québec City, Quebec G2E 5X5

IN ATTENDANCE:                

Élie Ahad

 Michel Bédard

André Cantin

Guy Michel Lachance

Madeleine Lapointe

Jean-Pierre Morency

Léandre Sévigny

1.0 Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 11:09 a.m.

President André Cantin welcomed the members.

2.0   Review and Approval of the Agenda

The President read the agenda. Madeleine Lapointe, seconded by Élie Ahad, moved that the agenda be approved.

Carried unanimously

3.0   Reading and Adoption of the June 22, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Léandre Sévigny moved that the June 22, 2017 minutes be approved. Seconded by Guy Michel Lachance.

Carried unanimously

The Secretary-Treasurer will send the minutes to be posted on the PIPSC website.

Action: Michel Bédard

4.0   Action Items from the June 22, 2017 Meeting Minutes

Item 3.0 Secretary-Treasurer to send March 29, 2017 minutes for posting on the PIPSC website

Action completed

Item 9.0 Preparations for our 2017 AGM

André Cantin contacted the President of PIPSC, who confirmed that she would be attending the AGM the afternoon of Tuesday, October 10, 2017. Michel Bédard reserved a room for 28 people at Le Pacini restaurant located at 1280 Lebourgneuf Boulevard, Québec, for Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 10:30 a.m.

Action completed

5.0   Update on the Chapter’s Finances

Michel Bédard presented the statement of our Chapter’s revenues and expenses as of August 7, 2017.

The members expressed satisfaction with the report and approved it unanimously.

6.0   Report by Élie Ahad, Our Regional Representative

Élie informed us that, on June 12, 2017, P. Kinnear (RMG President) sent some documents to the Toronto Chapter Executive describing Terry Sing’s role as RMG ambassador and his involvement in a number of activities and issues concerning retired members.

Élie announced that Richard Rice had stepped down as Treasurer of the RMG but is still serving on the National Executive. Richard has been replaced by Sue Ramsay, who will assume the role in an acting capacity until November 2017.

Élie then pointed out that PIPSC launched a new website in July 2017. The old site is still online and constitutes the PIPSC archives.

He noted that elections will be held shortly to fill some RMG Executive positions. The Ontario Regional Representative was acclaimed. The elections will be taking place in three regions, namely the National Capital Region (3 candidates), the BC/Yukon Region (3 candidates) and the Atlantic Region (2 candidates). The election results will be released after September 6, 2017.

The next meetings of the Vision Committee and National Executive will be held in Ottawa on September 13 and 14, 2017, respectively.

7.0 Québec City Branch News

Michel Bédard informed us that the Québec City Branch had not met since June 14, 2017. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 23, 2017. Review of the documents (notice of meeting, call for nominations for the new Executive, and the agenda) sent to members prior to the October 11 AGM will certainly be on the agenda. For more details, see the Québec City Branch website at http://www.pipsc.ca/portal/page/portal/website/regions/quebec/quebec

8.0   2017 AGM and Arrangements for Debi Daviau’s Visit

All of the documents (letter of invitation, notice of meeting, call for nominations for the new Executive, agenda) sent to members prior to the October 10 AGM are reviewed by all Executive members. The Secretary-Treasurer will make the suggested corrections and forward them to the Executive members on September 15, 2017 in order to meet the deadline set out in our By-Laws. The Secretary must also send our Chapter’s new By-Laws to the Election Chair, Gédéon Drouin, so that he can review them before our AGM. Lastly, André Cantin will contact President Debi Daviau’s Executive Assistant to find out when exactly President Daviau is arriving in Québec City on October 10, 2017.

Action: André Cantin and Michel Bédard

12.0 Other and New Business

The tensions between various members of the Board were discussed briefly. They appear to have significantly affected the smooth functioning and efficiency of the Board.

13.0 Adjournment

Madeleine Lapointe, seconded by Guy Michel Lachance, moved that the meeting be adjourned at 3:15 p.m.

Carried unanimously

Michel Bédard


Québec City Chapter, Retired Members Guild

The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

August 12, 2017

André Cantin  Michel Bédard

President’s Signature Secretary-Treasurer’s Signature