By-Laws and Resolutions by Pierre Touchette

CS Executive Elections Eligibility

Moved: Rob Scott, Second Stan Buday

Whereas it is common practice to limit candidates to run for one position only in a given election

Therefore be it resolved that CS Group Bylaw 4.3 be amended as follows:

4.3 Elections:

4.3.1 The election will be held prior to the Group AGM.

4.3.2 The elected candidates take office the first business day after the AGM.

4.3.3 Any member of the Elections Committee who becomes a candidate in the election shall resign from the Elections Committee.

4.3.4  No member shall be a candidate for more than one (1) position in the same election.

MOVED BY: Craig Bradley, PEI Sub Group  Second Stacy McLaren

WHEREAS the CS Group By-Laws currently permit a serving member of the executive to run for higher office without relinquishing their current position;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following new bylaws be added to the existing by-law 4.2 Term of Office:

4.2.6 Any CS Group Executive Member who declares themselves as a candidate in a CS Group election, for a position other than their current position, will be considered to have resigned their current position on the Executive effective immediately.

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the following new bylaws be added to by-law 4.3

4.3.4 A position vacated, as per by-law 4.2.6, shall be offered during the current election. 

4.3.5 If the position vacated, as per by-law 4.2.6, is identical to a position already offered during this election then no additional notification shall be posted.

4.3.6   If the position of Vice-President or President becomes vacant, as per by-law 4.2.6, then a special nomination period of two weeks shall be established by the Elections Committee to allow the position to be filled at the current election.

#1 Motion to modify CS Group By-Law #4.3 ? Elections

MOVED BY: Tony Goddard, Statistics Canada (NCR) CS Sub-Group

SECONDED BY: Robert Hébert, Sous-groupe CS (RCN) Statistique Canada

WHEREAS the CS Group is the largest and (potentially) the most active group within the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada;

AND WHEREAS the CS Group has no problem attracting sufficient, dedicated and well qualified members to run for positions on the Group Executive committee;

AND WHEREAS the bylaws of our governing body (PIPSC) sets the standard for all bargaining groups and as such in by-law 22.2.2 allows a member to run for only one position in any given election;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the CS Group ByLaw 4.3 Elections be revised to include the following:

4.3.x No member shall be a candidate for more than one (1) position on the Executive in any given election.

#2 Motion to modify CS Group By-Law #4.2  Term of Office

MOVED BY: Robert Hébert, Sous-groupe CS (RCN) Statistique Canada

SECONDED BY: Tony Goddard, Statistics Canada (NCR) CS Sub-Group

WHEREAS it is imperative that the Elections Committee is aware at the start of an election period which and how many positions are to be filled during the current election;

AND WHEREAS the CS Group By-Laws currently permit a serving member of the executive to run for higher office without relinquishing their current position;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following new bylaw be added to the existing by-law 4.2 Term of Office:

4.2.6 Any Executive Member who declares themselves as a candidate in an election will be considered to have resigned their current position on the Executive effective the first business day after the AGM.