Call Letter For Members to Participate in Bargaining Advisory Conference

The Audit, Commerce and Purchasing Group (AV) is inviting Regular Members, Bargaining Team Committee Members and Group Executive Members to participate in a 1 day Bargaining Advisory Conference, whereby AU-CO-PG members meet formally to discuss our upcoming round of bargaining beginning in September 2018.

The Bargaining Advisory Conference is a formal meeting of members having a shared common interest, where an exchange of information, views, issues and strategy take place.

Our PIPSC Negotiator(s), Bargaining Team and Group Executive will be present to listen to all members views and issues.

The Group Bargaining Team Committee is a Committee of the Group Executive, and reports to the Group Executive throughout the Bargaining round.

In order to stay within our budget, and to make sure we have cross section of our membership throughout Canada, a limit of 2 regular members will be selected from each of the following Regions: BC/Yukon, Prairies/NWT, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic.

Of the two members, we are looking for a combination of AU-CO-PG Regular Members,  maximum 1 per classification. For example, 1 CO and 1 PG, or 1 AU and 1 PG, or 1 CO and 1 AU.

The National Capital Region will be allowed up to 5 regular members (based on proportional representation as the NCR does have nearly 70% of the membership population). Same concept as we are looking for a combination of AU-CO-PG members…a perfect scenario would be 2 PG, 2 CO and 1 AU.

Total Attendance: approximately 30

Date: Thursday July 19, 2018

Place: Hilton Lac Leamy – Conference Centre

Time: 8:00am to 4:00pm

Meals: Breakfast will be served from 7am to 8am. Lunch will be provided from Noon to 1pm. AM/PM breaks.

Please apply directly to by no later than Tuesday, July 10, Noon EST.

Late registrations after Noon EST will not be accepted.

Note: PIPSC Travel Policy is in effect as well as Policy on Salary Compensation.

Note: To regular members and to the Group Executives not on the Bargaining Team, if you cannot attend this Conference, but wish to have a voice, please write up your issues, proposals etc…..and share with the Bargaining Team.

Please send via email to Bargaining Chair  (peter underscore Gabriel)

On behalf of the Group Executive,

Peter Gabriel
