AV Group call letter to all Treasury Board and agency members to participate in the negotiations on leave for Victims of Domestic Violence.

During this round of bargaining, the AV Group took the leadership on an insidious issue, Domestic Violence. While a broader national issue, Domestic Violence carries impacts, or the potential to impact PIPSC members. With the targeted assault on the Public Service sick leave program, PIPSC wants to ensure that sick leave modifications properly consider those needs associated with or arising from Domestic Violence.

The upshot of the considerable discussion on this topic is that Treasury Board agreed to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Institute. PIPSC is currently striking an 8-member committee to develop the MOA on Domestic Violence, 3 of who will come from the AV Group.

The AV Group executive is extending an invitation to PIPSC Treasury Board and agency groups general membership; members may apply for 1 of the 4 positions available.

Meetings are scheduled to begin in November/December, 2017 and the process is expected to take upwards of 18 months. Meetings are 2-tiered, i.e. internal to PIPSC as well as external with the Treasury Board Secretariat.

Please submit a bio and your reasons for wanting to be part of these historic discussions.

Please respond to rj_paquette@pipsc.ca

Deadline 1600 EDT, November 9th, 2017