The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

AV-Group - Minutes/Record of Decisions from June 10, 2017 AV AGM

Minutes/Record of Decisions from June 10, 2017 AV  AGM

AGM began with the Canadian National Anthem and moment of silence

Opening remarks: AV Group President Ray Paquette

Welcomed and acknowledged Stewards and Retired Members

Introduction of AV National executive

Played a video of President Debi Daviau ‘s address to AV Delegates

Welcomed Stéphane Aubrey, VP Part-time who spoke on Debi’s video, bargaining over until next year and Phoenix

Approval of 2017 AGM Agenda as Amended

Motion to approve:  Carried

Approval of 2016 AGM minutes as Amended

Motion to approve: Carried

AV President's report: Ray Paquette

Communication to all members across Canada important especially during and after Negotiations

Focus on Outreach Program, WFA, Leave for Victims of Domestic Violence, and Sick Leave/EWSP

Will be preparing early 2018 for next round of Bargaining

Recognition of members who have work tirelessly for the AV group

Questions and Answers

Keynote speaker: Amy Huziak, CLC National Representative for Young Workers

Spoke on engaging Young Workers/Stewards in the Union

Question and Answers

Guest Speaker – Terry Sign – Retired Members Guild

Spoke on what the RMG does – represents your needs and interests in Retirement; election & strike resources, C-27 discussions, 100th Anniversary Committee, etc.

Questions and Answers

Awards presentations:

AV Executive member of the year award:

Vanir Tsang

AV President 's award:

Raymond Poon

Finance report: Raymond Poon

2016 Actual Budget presented

Budget moved and carried

No questions

2018 Budget presented – Theme for 2018 is Young Professionals

Discussion on budget

Budget moved and carried

Bargaining Report: Ray Paquette

Tentative agreement signed December 9th, 2016 at 3:30 am

Bargaining Team and AV Executives to do a Post Mortem of Bargaining

2 thing left to be negotiated – EWSP and Domestic Violence

We can give Notice to Bargain March 21,  2018 or TB can give Notice

Question and answer session

Bylaws update: Peter Gabriel  Note:  Peter  relinquished the Chair – Norma Domey was instated as Acting Chair for the By-Laws portion of the AGM

Carried three proposals/motions.   2 were withdrawn and 1 was defeated

Resolutions - Amendments to AV Group By-Laws & Regulations:
1)  Proposal *- Title of Group Update
*Propose to PIPSC Board of Directors to change acronym from AV to ACP
Audit, Commerce and Purchasing (ACP) Group*

BLPC Comments: The Group will be notified that a change of name is not allowed as it is linked
to their bargaining certificate.
AV Group BLPC Comments: Refer to PIPSC Administration and AV Group Bargaining
Committee, with follow-up Letter to Treasury Board of Canada.

2)  Amendment to By-Law 10.2.2   Motion was amended on the floor to remove the last sentence "The selection and replacement of the new bargaining team member will be decided by the AV National Executive."
Motion to Amend Carried.
On the amended motion, Carried.

Amendment to Regulation R10.2.2
Regulations are linked to By-Laws. Current By-Law 10.2., 10.2.1 and
10.2.2  Bargaining Team

*Amended version Revised at the AGM to R10.2.2:
The Bargaining Team shall normally be established within the three (3) months
preceding the expiry of the Collective Agreement. A call for nomination shall be distributed to all Regular
members of the Group, at least six (6) weeks prior the closing date for nominations. Nominations must be
supported by at least two (2) Regular members of the Group and the nominee must indicate a willingness to be part of the Bargaining Team if selected. Should a regular member of the bargaining team resign or retire prior to the end of bargaining, that member will be immediately replaced by a member of the same classification. *

3) Amendment to By-Law 10.2.2 Stewards
Motion defeated

4) Amendment to By-Law 7.4.1
After lengthy debate, motion was withdrawn by Ray Paquette.

5) Amendment to By-Law 7.4.1 Stewards
Motion withdrawn by Peter Gabriel

6) Amendment to By-Law 4.1
Motion Carried.

Therefore, be it resolved that bylaw 4.1 be amended as follows:

4.1 All Regular and Retired members (unless specified elsewhere in these Bylaws) shall be eligible to,
nominate members for positions on the Group Executive, propose amendments to the Constitution and
Bylaws of the Group, and vote in Group affairs.
Only Regular members in good standing shall be eligible to hold office.

BLPC Comments: There were no issues raised with this proposed change.

Bylaw amendment from the floor:   N/A

Sub group report:   Peter Gabriel

3 new Subgroups formed this year in the Atlantic Region – St. John`s, Moncton and Fredericton

 AV Executive to get more involved to assist and maintain subgroups

Question and answer session

Closing remarks by Ray Paquette

Motion to adjourn: Carried