Dear AFS member,

Under the terms of the AFS Collective Agreement, the Agency has 150 days from the March 29, 2018 signing date for implementation. This 150 day period expired on August 26th.

It has come to our attention that a large number of AFS members have not received their correct retroactive pay by this deadline.

If you are in this situation, you should file a ticket with CRA Compensation to have your retroactive pay corrected. You may also wish to file a grievance within the required timelines, which is 25 working days from when you become aware of the situation. For your convenience, we have included suggested grievance wording below.

The AFS Group is consulting with CRA management on the handling of these grievances, to determine at what grievance levels consultations will be held.

Consideration will also be given to filing a policy grievance, but AFS members will need to file an individual grievance to (potentially) receive a personal remedy.

Please contact a local steward if you have any questions.

Grievance Details:

I grieve my Employer’s failure to pay me the amount of retroactive pay due to me 150 days following the March 29, 2018 signing of the AFS Collective Agreement. This is in violation of the AFS collective agreement, including but not limited to Article 44, Article 47, Appendix ‘A’, Appendix ‘H’ as well as applicable legislation/policies.

Corrective Action:

I ask:

• To be paid the correct and full amount of retroactive pay due to me;

• To be paid damages and interest from August 26, 2018, until I am fully compensated for my retroactive pay;

• Any other measure required to remedy the situation;

• To be made whole.