
July 13, 2017 AFS Strategic Planning and July 15, 2017 AFS Executive Meeting

Present: Doug Mason (President). Chris Roach (Vice-President and Atlantic Regional Representative).  Regional Representatives: Shawn Gillis (Ontario and Treasurer), Mark Muench (CS National Consultation Representative), Phil Choo (BC / Yukon and Recording Secretary), Robert Trudeau (Prairies/NWT), Brian Hassall (HQ), Allaudin Alibhai (NCR IT), Steve Parent (Quebec), and Al Ravjiani (Toronto).

Absent: Manny Costain (CS Regional Representative and Secretary)

AFS Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer

Chris Roach was elected Vice-President, Manny Costain was elected Secretary, and Shawn Gillis was elected Treasurer for the AFS Group for the upcoming year. 

AFS Executive Committees and 2018 Meetings

AFS national administrative, consultation and bargaining committee chairs and members were selected.  Meeting dates and locations were chosen for the upcoming year including the next AFS AGM (June 9, 2018).

AFS Group Goals

For 2017/2018, the goals of the AFS Group are as follows:

  • Negotiate a fair collective agreement
  • Protect AFS Group workload and positions
  • Build relationships with other groups

Executive Meeting Précis – June 7, 2017

This précis was approved as presented and will be sent for translation and posting.

Financial Update

The AFS Group finances were reviewed by the AFS Executive.

AFS Sub Groups

New subgroups were approved by the AFS Executive for Fitzgerald Campus and Billings Bridge in Ottawa as we have a significant number of members and stewards at these locations.

Sudbury Afternoon Shift for CS

CRA wants to create a 3:30 to 11:30 shift for some CS positions in Sudbury. Possible responses were discussed and decisions taken on next steps.

Billings Bridge ESDC Complaint Minimum Washrooms

Complaint will be taken to judicial review by PIPSC through external legal counsel.

AUs not meeting AU Education Standard

For new staffing processes, education requirements are being rechecked. AU education standards should not be eroded.

GTA Reorganization

CRA did not consult with AFS prior to implementation. Letter writing campaign, petition to the House of Commons, individual and policy grievances, town halls are underway.

Service Animal Update

Employer has acknowledged that service animal training time is paid leave but this needs to be communicated to all Labour Relations Advisors.

Member Use of Personal Cell Phones

CRA is requiring members to use personal cell phones for contact purposes. Employees cannot use personal cell phones for CRA business per CRA policy. Members should not be using personal cell phones, but should request CRA phone.

PIPSC CRA Job Satisfaction Survey

Draft survey is being reviewed and will be finalized by PIPSC staff for distribution to AFS members.

Next Executive Meeting

The next AFS Executive meeting will take place on November 16th in conjunction with the PIPSC AGM in Gatineau, Quebec.