BLPC Meeting

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Delta Hotel, ByTown Room


Present Stéphanie Fréchette (Chair), Tony Goddard (NCR), Mike Chow (BC/Yukon) (virtually), Scott McConaghy (ATL), Luc Denis (QC) (virtually), Julie Gagnon (Staff Resource), Fedora Kalenda-Mushiya (Staff Resource)


Regrets Jennifer Reay (PRA/NWT)


Guest John Purdie, Chair, Finance Committee


  1. Roundtable and Introductions


For the benefit of new Committee members, the Chair opened the meeting with roundtable introductions.


  1. Information on BLPC Processes


The Chair provided an overview of the PIPSC structure and explained the approval process for constituent body BLs. She also pointed out that as regional representatives on the BLPC, Committee members were responsible and expected to report back to their respective regional executives on the business dealt with at each BLPC meeting. 


  1. Strategic Planning Proposal


Given the significant workload overseen by the BLPC, the Chair proposed a new way of assigning files to ensure the completion of the work in a balanced approach. The intent would be to create “regional tables” which would list all regional constituent bodies (Sub-Group and Branches), with the following information for each:


  • Whether or not the constituent body has BLs in place
  • If so, the latest date of ratification (AGM)
  • If so, the latest date of Board approval
  • If not, was the model proposed
  • Comments


The intent would be for each regional Committee member to be responsible to oversee their own “regional table” and follow-up with constituent bodies on the status of their BLs. Group and Region BLs would be overseen by the Chair. 


As the intent is to ensure an equitable distribution of the workload among Committee members, it was pointed out that consideration will need to be given to the fact that some constituent body BLs may require more (or less) work than others, meaning that the workload may need to be readjusted accordingly. 


There was agreement with the proposed way forward. Committee members saw this as a good investment in time and effort at the outset in order to get caught up with outdated BLs, and it would facilitate the work moving forward. Creating these tables will also be a useful tool as it will provide a complete list of all constituent bodies at PIPSC.


It was also suggested that time be spent to review PIPSC BLs as well as the Model Constitutions.


  1. Approval of the Agenda


The following items were added to the agenda


  • BLPC Schedule of Meetings for 2022
  • Resolutions Sub-Committee Composition
  • Funding for Small Group AGMs
  • Posting of Approved Constituent Body BLs
  • Proposed Policy on Travel Outside of Regions
  • Proposed Policy on the Purchase of Technical Equipment
  • Proposed Policy on Gratuity
  • Proposed Policy on Board Hospitality
  • Proposed Policy on the Use of Cell Phone 
  • Proposed Policy on the Use of Internet
  • Proposed Policy on Virtual Meeting Per Diem
  • Finance Appeal Process


  1. BLPC Schedule of Meetings for 2022


The following meeting dates were proposed by the Chair. She explained that the proposed dates coincided with her availabilities as well as the Board’s meeting schedule and were also based on the timeframe to ensure follow-ups can be done and reported back to the Board in a timely manner:


May 30, 2022 (at the Delta)

September 17, 2022 

October 21-22, 2022 

December 2-3, 2022 (in conjunction with the Xmas dinner)


Unless otherwise specified, meetings will normally be held at the Institute National Office, in Ottawa. Committee members were asked to confirm their availability for these dates. Action: All


  1. Resolutions Sub-Committee – Composition and Schedule of Meetings


There was agreement to propose the following 2022 Resolutions Sub-Committee (RSC) to the Board for approval:


BLPC Chair 

Finance Committee Chair

AC Director (delegated to Craig Bradley)

Tony Goddard (BLPC Rep) 

Tom Yantsis (Finance Committee Rep)


The RSC will meet on August 27, 2022 and on September 24, 2022, to review the resolutions submitted, in preparation for the PIPSC AGM in November. 


  1. Approval of the Minutes


Correction - Change the name “Windsor Regional Hospital”.


  1. Posting of Approved Constituent Body BLs


Concern was raised with the delay around the posting of approved BLs, the last ones having been approved by the Board in December 2021 and still not posted. It was clarified that the delay was a result of translation as BLs cannot be posted until they are available in both official languages.


The Committee’s concerns will be raised with the Team Lead in translation so clarification can be provided in terms of service standards and an expected timeframe for the outstanding BLs.

Action: J. Gagnon


  1. Matters Arising


9.1 CP South Vancouver Island Sub-Group (Proposed)


The proposed BLs were originally ratified at the 2018 Sub-Group AGM. The new ratified version will be provided for review by the Committee rep. This will be brought back to the next meeting. 

Action: M. Chow


9.2 SP Vancouver Sub-Group (Proposed Amendments)


Given the long history concerning these BLs, the current Sub-Group President was contacted so an update could be provided.


The latest approved version (similar to the model) dates back to December 2009 and as indicated by the SG President, there is nothing outstanding or new being brought forward by the SG. As such, there was no further action required on these BLs at this time.


9.3 SH DND Québec Sub-Group (Proposed)


This new SG was created in October 2019 and their first AGM was held on May 4, 2022, at which time the proposed BLs were ratified. They will be reviewed at the next meeting. 

Action: S. Fréchette


9.4 AFS Saskatoon Sub-Group (Proposed)


This item was deferred to the next meeting.


9.5 AFS Regina Sub-Group (Proposed)


This item was deferred to the next meeting


9.6 IT (CS) Vancouver Sub-Group (Amended)


These BLs will be presented to the December 2022 SG AGM for ratification, taking into account the BLPC’s input. Action: M. Chow


9.7 Ontario Simcoe-Grey Branch (Amended)


The process to review the Branch BLs is ongoing. The Branch model was adopted, pending the revisions of their own version. The last Branch AGM was held on April 12, 2022. 

Action: Ontario Rep


9.8 Ottawa West Branch – Straw Poll


A fulsome discussion was held with the Branch and recommendations were made to rectify the problems and inconsistencies around their election process that took place in May 2019. There is no further action required on this front.


9.9 WPEG Group


This item was deferred to the next meeting.


9.10 2019 AGM Resolution – Amendment to BL 7 (Rights of Membership) – Status Update

During the 2019 AGM, a resolution to BL 7 (Rights of Membership) was presented. The matter was referred to the BLPC with instructions to bring recommendations back to the 2020 AGM on how to limit contractors in elected offices at PIPSC however there was no update provided at the 2020 and 2021 AGMs on this matter.

7. Matters Arising from the Minutes

Item 14.4 - B-8 BY-LAW 7 – RIGHTS OF MEMBERSHIP – Sponsor: NCR Regional Council

Contractors limited to hold elected office - referred to the BLPC

The BLPC was tasked to bring recommendations back to the 2020 AGM on how to limit contractors in elected offices at PIPSC based on the following instructions:

 - Develop a clear definition of contractor

- Seek a legal opinion

- Ensure the Board and AC are implicated

- Report back to the 2020 AGM

 The delegate seeking a status update will be contacting the BLPC Chair directly.


The BLPC remains of the view that members’ rights cannot be restricted, as per this proposed BL amendment. The input from PIPSC legal was sought and remains pending. The BLPC Chair will follow-up with the Office of the General Counsel on this front. Action: S. Fréchette 


  1. New Business


10.1 Excerpt of Board Minutes – January, March and April 2022


The following items required follow-up work by the BLPC, some in collaboration with the Finance Committee: 


  1. Policy on Travel (Outside the Region)
  2. Policy on Technical Equipment
  3. Policy on Gratuity
  4. Policy on Board Hospitality
  5. Policy on Cell Phone and Internet
  6. Policy on Virtual Meeting Per Diem


10.2 Proposed Policy on Gratuity


The following proposed Policy on Gratuity was put forward by the Chair of the Finance Committee. He pointed out that this was a starting point, with the intent to give flexibility to the Board to review the policy on a yearly basis and change the percentage, if necessary. The maximum percentage was included in this proposed version, but could be lowered.


All constituent bodies and PIPSC members who include a gratuity as part of payment for services rendered shall be limited to a gratuity based on the amount as determined annually by the Board of Directors (BOD) at their first meeting of the year.  If a member or constituent body provides a gratuity more than the limit as determined by the BOD, they shall not be reimbursed for the excess amount unless prior authorization is provided by the BOD.


Board motion - Moved that the Board of Directors establishes a maximum gratuity limit of 20% for 2022. 


Impacted Policies 


**Policy on Constituent Body Allocations – para 7

**Policy on Financial Support on Member Participation – para 13

**Policy on the Board of Directors – para 9


This will be further discussed at the next meeting. Additional comments and concerns to be submitted to both Committee Chairs in advance. Action: All


10.3 Proposed Policy on the Use of Cell Phones


The following proposed Policy on the Use of Cell Phones was put forward by the Chair of the Finance Committee. He pointed out that the intent is to ensure that members are not out of pocket when conducting PIPSC business. This would also avoid any “double dipping”, if members are reimbursed by their constituent body (or by the Board).


It was pointed out that this would not be a taxable amount but a reimbursement of cost upon provision of receipts. It was also clarified that this would be a reimbursement for the cell phone plan – not the device itself.


A PIPSC member who uses or is provided with a cell phone plan for the performance of their duties shall be provided with a maximum monthly allowance as determined annually by the Board of Directors at their first meeting of the year. The policy will not apply to members who are performing functions for their Branch, Sub-Group or Chapter. The total reimbursement from all sources must not exceed the total maximum as determined by the Board.

Members must submit a copy of their monthly statement to the PIPSC Finance Section for reimbursement in the prescribed form.  Where the cost of the phone is part of a combined plan, the member will apportion the cost of the cell phone using a cost allocation in accordance with the fair market value of grouped items within the plan.

The allowance will not exceed the amount as determined by the Board unless the excess is authorized by the Board.


Board motion – Moved that the BOD establishes a maximum monthly cell phone allowance of the lesser of the cost of the cell phone plan or $85 for 2022. 


Impacted Policies 


**Policy on Constituent Body Allocations – para 7


Concern was raised with the result of this on the workload of staff in the Finance Section, which is already stretched.


The following points were also raised in terms of possible gaps to address: 


  • Does not include language on whether or not this would be covered by PIPSC or charged back to constituent bodies
  • Timeline to submit claims 
  • The amount would be greater than what constituent bodies have been reimbursing their members
  • As worded, this benefit would be available to all members – a significant cost to PIPSC
  • Members could receive the benefit several times if holding several elected offices
  • Members could receive this benefit when not entitled to it before (Groups vs SGs and Branches)


It was noted that this would relieve constituent bodies from the burden of verification of appropriate (or inappropriate) use of cell phones.


It was suggested that wording be added to the effect that the Board could seek reimbursement from constituent bodies. 


This will be further discussed at the next meeting. Additional comments and concerns to be submitted to both Committee Chairs in advance. Action: All


10.4 Proposed Policy on the Use of Internet


The following proposed Policy on the Use of Internet was put forward by the Chair of the Finance Committee.


A PIPSC member who uses or is provided with an internet plan in performance of their duties shall be provided with a maximum monthly allowance as determined annually by the Board of Directors at their first meeting of the year. The policy will not apply to members who are performing functions for their Branch, Sub-Group or Chapter. The total reimbursement from all sources must not exceed the total maximum as determined by the Board.


Members must submit a copy of their monthly statement to PIPSC Finance Section for reimbursement in the prescribed form.  Where the cost of the internet is part of a combined plan the member will apportion the cost of the internet using a cost allocation in accordance with the fair market value of grouped items within the plan.


The allowance will not exceed the amount as determined by the Board unless the excess is authorized by the Board.


Board motion - The BOD establishes a maximum monthly internet limit of the lesser of 50% of the actual cost or $75 for 2022. 


Impacted Policies 


**Policy on Constituent Body Allocations – para 7

**Policy on Financial Support on Member Participation – para 13


This will be further discussed at the next meeting. Additional comments and concerns to be submitted to both Committee Chairs in advance. Action: All


10.5 Finance Appeal Process


The proposed financial appeal process was provided to the Committee for consideration. The intent would be to allow for natural justice and to give members the opportunity to have an audience to present their case. This would also provide clear guidelines to Finance.


The Finance Committee Chair explained that the Finance Committee has the authority to grant (or deny) financial appeals and authorize payment however the final step would be to the Board of Directors, who may sustain, or not, the recommendation of the Finance Committee.


This will be further discussed at the next BLPC meeting and by the Finance Committee at its next meeting. Additional comments and concerns to be submitted to both Committee Chairs in advance.   Action: All 


10.6 Proposed Policy on the Purchase of Technical Equipment


The following motion was passed by the Board in June 2021, requiring impacted policy to be updated accordingly


Moved and seconded that the following changes be referred to BLPC to that appropriate policies can be amended accordingly:


1)              A maximum of $1300 should be established for the purchase of laptops or tablets. That amount would include $1100 for the hardware and $200 for the software, if any.


2)            Each CB would be entitled to a maximum of 3 laptops or tablets for the President, the Treasurer, and the Secretary respectively. 


3)           Each entitled CB member would have to choose between a laptop and a tablet as policies would not allow them to purchase both.


4)          Any additional device would require a motion to be approved at the CB’s AGM.


5)           Procurement and tracking of these assets would be managed by the IT section of the Institute, in collaboration with the Finance Section.


There was agreement that this be incorporated in Policy on Constituent Body Allocations (Section 7). The amended policy will be circulated to the Committee for review. It will then be submitted to the Board for approval in June. Action: J. Gagnon / BOD / All


10.7 Proposed Policy on Board Hospitality


The Finance Committee Chair explained that currently (and for the past several years), VPs and Regional Directors have been allocated a hospitality allocation of $9K per year and the President, and allocation of $40K per year. This was being brought to the BLPC to determine whether or not these amounts should be reviewed and for thought to be given on what defines “hospitality”.


There was agreement that a clear definition of hospitality was needed. As a first step, the BLPC Chair will ask for a report from the PIPSC Finance Section outlining what type of “hospitality expenses” have been claimed in the past, what was approved and/or denied, with rationales. This report would contain no names. This information will feed into a broader discussion at the next meeting. The Finance Committee will address the “hospitality amount” issue at its next meeting (May 26th).


Some questioned whether claiming hospitality for “guests” should be allowed. This is currently being done and some raised concern that this may not be proper use of members’ dues. Perhaps there would be room for clarification in policy on this front.

Action: BLPC and Finance Committee Chairs


10.8 Proposed Policy on Travel (Outside the Region)


The BLPC engaged in a discussion on this issue, which seems to have significantly expanded in scope and impact as a result of the pandemic and telework.


Some felt that Institute BL 4.5 is clear but is not being interpreted consistently by constituent bodies and by Finance, impacting constituent body allocations, assignment of delegate seats, the application of the Travel Policy, etc.


The issue of “reporting virtually” to a place of work (occupational vs geographic) is particularly problematic in the Atlantic, i.e., attending events in one’s Region if working remotely in another Region (ex - working in Ottawa but belonging to ATL Region).


As per Finance, a member’s workplace is determined by the employer however, based on a solid business case, this can sometimes be reconsidered by Finance if it is less costly for the member to “belong somewhere else”.


There is also the issue of when a member retires and could be living somewhere different than their former place of work. The member has the option of choosing the geographical location of one or the other (a one-time choice).


Some were of the view that the structure seems to break down at the regional levels, which are geographically determined.


Since most members want to meet in person, the focus should be on relevancy, i.e. where members could/would be most active.


There was agreement that this matter warranted a lengthier and broader discussion, in the context of:


Defining “travel status” and “member affiliation (workplace or place of residence)

Defining “where members belong”

Defining “principal residence”

Defining “departmental Sub-Groups” and the impact on geographical boundaries

Defining “what is and when is a member on travel status” (extend stay (post meeting) but not before – unless authorized)

Defining the notion of “virtual Sub-Groups”


To assist in the BLPC’s discussion, it was suggested that feedback could be sought from members in terms where they reside and where they report to work (in person? virtually?). This could be discussed further with the PIPSC Membership Section in terms of the type of data currently captured in the PIPSC database and how to get additional information, if needed. 


This will be revisited at the next meeting. Action: Fedora


10.9 Proposed Policy on Virtual Meeting Per Diem


The BLPC engaged in a discussion on this issue, raised at the April Board meeting. 


Members currently attend meetings virtually and are encouraged/expected to continue to do so moving forward, whether fully virtual or in hybrid format. As such, virtual participants should be eligible to claim a per diem after attending an applicable meeting, once that meeting exceeds 90 minutes. “Applicable meetings” are defined as any constituent body executive meetings, as well as constituent body AGMs, Advisory Council meetings, Working Group on Consultation, Strategic Bargaining Committee, Consultation Team meetings, as well as regional and national training events, symposiums, Regional Councils, Committees of the Board, Board of Directors meetings and bargaining team meetings. 


The per diem would only apply to registered meeting participants (not observers) and would be set at the average of the lunch and dinner travel allowance. It would be limited to one claim per day of the meeting. Reimbursement would be based on the current meeting eligibility guidelines (i.e. six annual Branch Executive meetings).


It was suggested that the type of meetings, the length of meetings, the number of consecutive meetings, the timing of meetings, the place of residence, etc., be factored into the Committees’ discussion. 


Moved and seconded (Roach / McLaren) that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee to work in conjunction with the BLPC in putting forward guidelines for compensation for virtual meeting attendance. 


Some were of the view that paying the per diem should not be allowed for virtual meeting as members are not necessarily out of pocket if taking part in PIPSC meetings from home.


Some however felt it was important to compensate members who take part in PIPSC events virtually, recognizing that it can sometimes be challenging and taxing to do so. Some constituent bodies are finding ways to do so therefore it should be considered as part of policy, applicable to all members.


It was suggested that the lunch per diem could be an appropriate amount, which would be paid (reimbursed) only once per day, regardless of the number of meetings held that day. There would be no additional compensation from constituent bodies. 


This would need to be well defined to avoid excess, i.e., what types of meetings this would apply to. 


The BLPC Chair will propose and share policy wording with the Committee for discussion at the next meeting. Action: S. Fréchette


10.10 CS Group and CS Sub-Groups – Change of Name to “IT”


As a result of the recent name change of the CS Group to the “IT” (Information Technology) Group, the Group BLs were amended to reflect their new name. 


The revision of all IT Sub-Group BLs to reflect that name change was discussed with legal, who is of the view that since this would be considered an administrative change, there was no need for the Sub-Group BLs to be submitted to their respective AGMs.


The necessary changes have been reflected in the all SG constitutions and once the Group BLs have been approved by the Board, a follow-up will be done with PIPSC IT to post the amended BLs (Group and SGs). Once the BLs are posted, PIPSC IT will be asked to change all references to “CS” on the website to “IT”. Action: BOD / T. Goddard


10.11 Dissolution of Swift Current Branch


The Swift Current Branch was dissolved by the Executive Committee on February 10, 2022.


10.12 Saguenay Lac-St-Jean et Côte-Nord Branch (Amended)


The amended BLs are based on the model. The Chair will review them in time for the Branch AGM scheduled for May 10, 2022. 


On a related note, the Chair pointed out that the AFS Saguenay Sub-Group AGM was held in November 2021 but they omitted to deal with their BLs at that time (in parked items). 


These two sets of BLs will be discussed at the next meeting, prior to being submitted to the Board for approval in June. Action: S. Fréchette


10.13 Interpretation of BL (Alternates)


An interpretation / clarification of Institute BL was sought by a member of the Advisory Council Steering Committee: Alternates A Group or Consultation Team appointed representative may designate an alternate for the purpose of attending Advisory Council Meetings in the absence of the representative. The alternate must be from the Group Executive or Consultation Team whose representative is unable to attend a meeting. The alternate shall have the right to vote at that meeting; however, a member shall not represent both a Group and a Consultation Team when separate representatives are justified.


The AC Steering Committee member was of the view that a member of the Advisory Council can designate an alternate for the purpose of attending AC meetings when they cannot. Currently, when a member is not able to attend, they name an alternate however, the member appoints a single representative who is their alternate and that is who attends when the AC member cannot. It is a static alternate.


For example, a Group President would name one of their VPs as their alternate. During their term if they cannot make the meeting then the alternate could attend. If neither can attend then the Group would be unrepresented. They cannot name another alternate for the meeting. Currently, we have been allowing them to name an alternate when they cannot attend instead of it being a static alternate.


The BLPC was of the view that it is not necessary for a “static alternate” to be identified at the beginning of a term. That is not what the BL states. A different alternate can be identified for each meeting.


A clarification response to the Advisory Council member will be drafted and shared with the Committee for review. Once approved, it will be sent. Action. T. Goddard / All


10.14 2022 AGM Process


The intent is for members of the BLPC and the Resolutions Sub-Committee to be seated at the front of the room at the AGM to deal with issues arising from the floor. 


BLPC members are to contact their respective Regional Directors to voice their interest in attending the AGM as delegates. If not selected as delegates, the Chair will consider other options.  Action: All


10.15 BLPC Term of Mandate


The Chair asked the Committee to give thought around the possibility of the BLPC having a three-year term, given the steep learning curve when joining the Committee. This will be further discussed at the next meeting. Action: All


  1. Adjournment and Next Meeting


The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. The next meeting will be held on May 30, 2022, at the Delta.