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Union-Management Consultation Framework

June 2019

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Union-Management Consultation Framework

  1. Introduction

    Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has a longstanding practice of facilitating Union-Management Consultation (UMC) operations. The purpose of this document is to renew the union-management consultation framework within AAFC.

    Union-Management consultation provides union representatives with the opportunity to bring matters that are important to their members, to management’s attention and allows management to consider and understand employees’ perspectives before making decisions or changes to policies or procedures.

    Union-Management consultation is widely recognized as an essential component of good human resources management. It also provides an opportunity for AAFC management and unions to promote and maintain a healthier workplace by following consultation best practices at different levels of consultation within a consistent framework.

  2. Guiding Principles

    AAFC is committed to Union-Management consultation and maintaining a mutually respectful forum to discuss issues relating to the workplace. The existing relationship of trust and respect means that the parties respect each other’s roles and integrity.

    Meaningful consultation is the cornerstone of the success of the committees. To be effective, this process must be based on an honest and open commitment by all parties. This includes sharing information, providing advice, obtaining views and collaborating on initiatives. It also ensures that committee discussions and decisions are based on a shared understanding of the underlying issues.

    Through open and frank discussions, the parties gain a better understanding of workplace issues and the reasons behind employer decisions – even though there may not always be mutual agreement.

    Managers at all levels of the organization are to proactively support meaningful comprehensive UMC meetings and associated activities. Union-Management consultation must be a priority for operational managers. Effective consultation must be seen as central to establishing a collaborative work environment.

    In addition, managers or Unions may initiate ad hoc consultations when urgent circumstances arise or when issues require ongoing consultation and follow-up.

    AAFC – Union - Management Consultation Framework 1

  3. Consultation Framework

    Union-management consultations at AAFC will take place through a framework of UMC committees (UMCC) which can encompass national, regional, branch and local committees. For this framework to be effective, issues should be discussed at the appropriate level where they are most likely to be resolved. When resolution is not possible, issues should be referred to the next level of the consultation process. The multi-tiered AAFC framework includes, but is not limited to the following:

  4. Terms of Reference (ToR)

    Each committee is responsible for jointly developing its own Terms of Reference (ToR). Agreed upon common criteria for a ToR are found at Appendix A.

    Existing committees should review their ToR to ensure consistency with this framework. New Committees may base their ToRs on the sample (link - http://www.tbs- provided by Treasury Board Secretariat, but must include the agreed upon criteria as set out in Appendix A to this Framework.

  5. Legislative Basis

Section 8 of the Public Service Labour Relations Act (PSLRA), states that deputy heads must, in consultation with the bargaining agents, establish a consultation committee for the purpose of exchanging information and obtaining views and advice on workplace issues. The PSLRA also refers to some issues that may be the subject of consultation: harassment in the workplace, disclosure of information of wrongdoing in the public service and the protection from reprisal of employees who disclose such information.

AAFC – Union - Management Consultation Framework 3




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AAFC – Union - Management Consultation Framework 5

Appendix A – Terms of Reference – Criteria

While Terms of Reference (ToR) should be jointly established by each level of committee, the following are the agreed-upon criteria common to all committees:

  1. Committee Participation

  2. Committee Practices

  3. Composition and Frequency of Meetings

National Union-Management Consultation Committee

Frequency: Twice every year

AAFC – Union - Management Consultation Framework 7