
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Peches et Oceans Canada

Terms of Reference for Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Canadian Coast Guard

National Union Management Consultation Committee (NUMCC)

This document outlines the protocols mutually agreed to by the parties to this agreement for the operation of the National Union Management Consultation Committee (NUMCC) required under Section 8 of the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act (FPSLRA).

These terms of reference may be amended from time to time at any regular or special meeting of the NUMCC. All committee or sub-committee members will adhere to them.

  1. Purpose

    The purpose of NUMCC is to provide an open forum for the exchange of information between management and bargaining agents which allows for constructive interactions on issues of organization-wide importance such as the review of policies, programs, working conditions and contemplated changes affecting employees. This will be done in an environment of trust and mutual respect. The Committee functions through joint consultation and all parties accept the responsibility of helping to make the Committee work effectively. The objective is to exchange information and obtain views and advice on issues that are related to the workplace and that affect employees.

  2. Committee Composition

    The co-chairs shall be the Deputy Minister, Fisheries and Oceans or his/her delegate, and a representative of the bargaining agent, or his/her delegate, identified by the bargaining agents at the national level.

    Bargaining Agent Representation

    Membership on NUMCC is open to representatives of the Bargaining Agents listed below: Union of Health and Environment Workers, Public Service Alliance of Canada (UHEW) Union of Canadian Transportation Employees, Public Service Alliance of Canada (UCTE) Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC)

    Local 2228, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Canadian Merchant Service Guild (CMSG)

    Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) Association of Canadian Financial Officers (ACFO)


    Management Representation

    Deputy Minister

    Associate Deputy Minister Commissioner, Canadian Coast Guard Deputy Commissioner, Operations

    Deputy Commissioner, Strategy and Shipbuilding Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategic Policy

    Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Fisheries and Harbour Management Assistant Deputy Minister, Aquatic Ecosystems

    Assistant Deputy Minister, Ecosystems and Oceans Science Assistant Deputy Minister, Human Resources and Corporate Services Chief Financial Officer

    Chief Audit Executive, Internal Audit Senior General Counsel

    Assistant Commissioners: Western, Central and Arctic, Arctic, and Atlantic

    Regional Directors General: Pacific, Central and Arctic, Arctic, Quebec, Gulf, Maritimes, and Newfoundland and Labrador

    Director General, Communications Director General, Human Resources Director, Labour Relations


    Where the parties agree, sub-committees composed of both management and union representatives may be established to carry out detailed investigations of problems and make recommendations to the committee for resolution. Sub-committee reports will be submitted to the appropriate consultation committee. When forwarding minutes of consultation meetings to the next level, each party will include any sub-committee reports.

  3. Other Participants

    The parties may invite technical or specialist advisors, or other interested parties affected by items on the agenda, to participate in the discussion of particular topics at a consultation committee meeting.

  4. Alternates

    Membership shall remain constant to the greatest extent possible to ensure continuity. In the event of the absence of a regular member of the committee, the parties recognize their right to appoint an alternate.


  5. Meeting Frequency, Location and Scheduling

    The NUMCC shall occur two times per year, typically in May and November. Additional meetings should be convened on an ad hoc basis when urgent matters of significant consequence are raised by either party. Meetings will normally be held on the employer's premises in the Ottawa area and scheduled during normal working hours. In all cases, collective agreement provisions and/or applicable terms and conditions of employment regarding travel­ time and leave for union business will be adhered to.

  6. Agenda

    The NUMCC secretariat will notify the Committee of the meeting date, time, and place at least six weeks prior to the meeting and at the same time issue a call for agenda items. Bargaining agent and management members will be responsible for providing agenda items to the committee secretariat at least one month prior to the date of the meeting. Committee members who submit agenda items to the secretariat should also provide explanatory notes and/or pertinent documentation. Committee Co-Chairs will discuss the agenda items submitted prior to the meeting agenda being confirmed. In general, agenda items that are submitted after the timeframe will be deferred until the next NUMCC unless otherwise agreed upon by the Co­ Chairs. One week prior to the meeting, the finalized agenda and any additional documentation submitted therewith will be distributed to the Committee in both Official Languages.

  7. Minutes

    Management will provide a secretary to prepare the meeting minutes. The minutes shall include major issues raised, follow-up actions required and decisions made. Deadlines or target dates should be fixed for any action items flowing from the meeting to ensure timely follow-up. The Co-Chairs shall sign and circulate the minutes and they will be tabled at the subsequent NUMCC meeting for committee approval. Once approved, minutes of the National meeting will be posted on the Labour Relations Centre of Expertise intranet site.

  8. Language

    Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Official Languages Act. All meeting documents and minutes shall be produced in both official languages.

  9. Amendments

The guidelines shall be reviewed every three years and may be amended at any time by consent of the parties concerned.


These guidelines were approved by the NUMCC at Ottawa on 20 June 2019.


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Timothy Sargent

Employer Co-chalr Bargaining Agent Co-chair