NR Ratification Kit Final June 25, 2019

Only changes to the Collective Agreement are identified in this summary.

Anything not mentioned in this summary remains unchanged.


What you have under your current collective agreement

What you would get under

this new deal


NR Tentative Agreement Summary


The Employer began this round of bargaining by offering only a 0.5% increase effective on October 1, 2020.

This deal offers a general economic increase of 7% to your pay through the life of the agreement:

October 1 2018 - increase to rates of pay: 2.0%

October 1 2019 - increase to rates of pay: 2.0%

October 1 2020 - increase to rates of pay: 1.5%

October 1 2021 - increase to rates of pay: 1.5%

In addition:

October 1 2018 - wage adjustment of 0.8% applicable to all NR classifications and levels;

October 1, 2019 - wage adjustment of 0.2% applicable to all NR classifications and levels.

Retroactive pay applies as of October 1, 2018.

Appendix A

Travelling Time

We believe the hardship felt by a member travelling outside their HQ and away from their permanent residence should be better compensated.

The employee is entitled to a maximum payment of 12 hours' pay at the straight-time rate for additional travel time in excess of 7.5 hours period of work and travel, in any day. Or 15 hours' pay at the straight-time rate when travelling beyond North America.

The same cap applies when the employee travels during a day of rest or on a designated paid holiday (DPH).

We were successful in increasing the twelve (12) hour cap to fifteen (15) hours' pay at the straight-time rate in any day regardless of where the employee travels and applicable on a normal working day, a day of rest or a DPH.

Article 13.01

Travel Status


Employees traveling outside their HQ area and who are away from their permanent residence for 40 nights/year receive 7.5 hours off with pay and an additional 7.5 hours off for each additional 20 nights that the employee is away (maximum of 80 additional nights away).

We were successful in reducing the initial cap from 40 nights to 20 nights/year.

Article 13.09

Bereavement Leave with Pay

You are entitled to seven days of Bereavement Leave with Pay following the death of a member of your immediate family.

We argued that the current definition of immediate family is too limited and the entitlement does not respond to the needs of all families.

The definition of immediate family has been broadened to include daughter-in-law and son-in-law and a person who stands in the place of a relative for the employee, whether or not there is any degree of consanguinity (descendant) between such person and the employee.

The Bereavement Leave with Pay for a person who stands in the place of a relative whether or not there is a degree of consanguinity is limited to once in their career in the federal public administration.

Bereavement Leave can now also be divided into two (2) periods.

There are specifications/restrictions about when the leave can be taken.

Article 17.02

Leave without Pay for the care of immediate family

We argued that the current definition of immediate family is too limited and does not respond to the needs of all families.

The definition has been broadened to include a person who stands in the place of a relative for the employee, whether or not there is any degree of consanguinity between such person and the employee.

Article 17.12

Leave with Pay for Family-related responsibilities

We argued that the current definition of immediate family is too limited and does not respond to the needs of all families.

We argued that the limitation to provide time off in the case of an unforeseeable closure of daycare facility was too restrictive and did not include situation when child is too old for day care, but still require special care.

The definition has been broadened to include a person who stands in the place of a relative for the employee, whether or not there is any degree of consanguinity between such person and the employee.

We were successful in changing daycare facility to care facility.

Article 17.12

Annual registration or membership fees

Payment of registration or membership fees paid to organizations or governing bodies to be certified as a professional engineer in Canada or as a land surveyor in Canada or as a professional architect in Canada or as a full member of a professional association as a landscape architect.

No change. However, it has been confirmed by Treasury Board, both verbally at the bargaining table and in writing by the Treasury Board negotiator in 2017 that all NR members are entitled to such registration or membership fees. NR members are encouraged to file a grievance should such a request be denied.

Article 21.01

Diving Allowance

Employees whose job duties require them to dive shall be paid an extra allowance of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per hour.

The new collective agreement increases the diving allowance to twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour.

Article 22.01

Standards of Discipline

Notice of disciplinary action placed on the personnel file of an employee shall be destroyed after two (2) years have elapsed since the disciplinary action was taken.

The employer wanted to extend the two (2) year period by any periods of leave without pay.

We were successful in limiting the extension to only any single period of leave without pay in excess of six (6) months.

Article 38.04

No discrimination

There shall be no discrimination, interference, restriction, coercion, harassment, intimidation, or any disciplinary action exercised or practiced with respect to an employee by reason of age, race, creed, colour, national or ethnic origin, religious affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, disability, family status, conviction for which a pardon has been granted or membership or activity in the Institute.

Gender identity and expression, and genetic characteristics are added to the existing language.

Article 44.01

New Article: Professional Integrity

We were successful in introducing language on professional integrity into the collective agreement.

“The parties recognize that providing objective, evidence-based, non-partisan analysis and advice is fundamental to the values and ethics of the public service, as reflected in the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector. No employee shall be expected to act in a manner that is inconsistent with the principle of providing objective, evidence-based, non-partisan analysis and advice”.

New Article 47.01

NEW Memorandum of Understanding:

Office Space

Many members impacted by the open space redesign of their office (GC workplace) brought their concerns to our attention.

So far, the employer rarely consults with PIPSC on the workspace changes. Often consultations were after the fact or on trivial matters. PIPSC stewards have been given the runaround about who will solve problems because both Public Services Procurement Canada (PSPC) and the departments are involved in the new design process. The employer did not want to negotiate any rights in the collective agreement with regards to office space.

We were successful in negotiating a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) stating both parties' objective ensuring that employees have effective facilities and services necessary to carry out their work and which are appropriate to the nature of the work being undertaken.

It provides for consultation between NR representatives and PSPC on the GC workplace initiative in addition to the obligations for the departments under Article 37 (Joint Consultation).

The joint consultation with PSPC will include the elements such as: accessibility of the workplace, including gender neutral washrooms; quiet rooms; collaborative spaces; storage space; noise measurement, monitoring and mitigation measures; etc.

New MOU on Office Space

Memorandum of Agreement: Sea Trials

See details in Appendic C of the collective agreement.

Expanded applicability and accessibility

Appendic C