AV Tentative Agreement Summary

Only changes to the Collective Agreement are identified in this summary.

Anything not mentioned in this summary remains unchanged.


The tentative agreement secures a General Economic Increase of 7% percent for everyone.

General economic increase: PG and AU classifications:

June 22, 2018 - increase to rates of pay: 2%

June 22, 2019 - increase to rates of pay: 2%

June 22, 2020 - increase to rates of pay: 1.5%

June 22, 2021 - increase to rates of pay: 1.5%

Classification specific increases: PG and AU classifications:

June 22, 2018 – increase to rates of pay: .75%

June 22, 2018 – increase to rates of pay: .75%

General economic increase: CO classification:

June 22, 2018 - increase to rates of pay: 3.5%

June 22, 2019 - increase to rates of pay: 2%

June 22, 2020 - increase to rates of pay: .75%

June 22, 2021 - increase to rates of pay: .75%

Classification specific increases: CO classification:

June 22, 2018 – increase to rates of pay: .5%

At Implementation:

CO1 – increase to rates of pay: 1.25%

CO3 – increase to rates of pay: 1.75%

CO4 – increase to rates of pay: 1.5%


What you have under your current collective agreement

What you would get under

this new deal


AV Tentative Agreement Summary

Family Definition

We advocated for an increased definition of family in the Collective Agreement

Added son-in-law and daughter-in-law to the general family definition.


There are further improvements to family definitions in the separate articles.

Article 2.01(k)



Currently only CPA designations are reimbursed a requirement for performance of duties. We argued for better recognition of the professionalism of all the AV classifications.

New language created with the potential for full to partial reimbursement of registration fees. For employees who have memberships in professional associations or governing bodies and that membership results in savings to the Employer for career or professional development activities, those savings will be transferred back to the member in contribution of the registration fees already paid by the member.

Article 21



One personal day of paid leave and one volunteer day of paid leave.

Volunteer day transitioned into an additional paid personal leave day, for a total of two (2) paid personal leave days in the collective agreement.

Article 17.13

Standards of Discipline

The current provision provides for two (2) days’ notice for an employee being called into a disciplinary meeting. We wanted to ensure that this notice was written with reasons provided so that employees have the opportunity to prepare and seek representation.

The employer is required to provide two (2) days’ written notice with reasons to an employee being called in for a disciplinary meeting.

Article 37.02

Travelling Time

We believe the hardship felt by a member travelling outside their HQ and away from their permanent residence should be better compensated.

The employee is entitled to a maximum payment of 12 hours’ pay at the straight-time rate for additional travel time in excess of 7.5hours period of work and travel, in any day. Or 15 hours’ pay at the straight-time rate when travelling beyond North America.

The same cap applies when the employee travels during a day of rest or on a designated paid holiday (DPH).

We were successful in increasing the twelve (12) hour cap to fifteen (15) hours’ pay at the straight-time rate in any day regardless of where the employee travels and applicable on a normal working day, a day of rest or a DPH.

Article 13.01




The overtime meal allowance is $10.50 in the current contract.

The overtime meal will increase to $12.00.

Article 9.06


The Collective Agreement provided a general call back rate for all employees when called into work, whether to the work place or to work remotely.

No reimbursement for travel back to the workplace if called back in

Reimbursement of the normal kilometric rate if called back into the office.

Two hour straight time minimum for those on standby who are called into work and complete the work remotely.

Article 10.01

Bereavement Leave with Pay

We argued that the current definition of immediate family is too limited and the entitlement does not respond to the needs of all families.

Only the Deputy head could extend leave or grant bereavement leave in a manner not provided for. We argued that this was onerous and bereavement situations needed to be decided more efficiently.

The definition of immediate family has been broadened to include daughter-in-law and son-in-law and a person who stands in the place of a relative for the employee, whether or not there is any degree of consanguinity (descendant) between such person and the employee.

The Bereavement Leave with Pay for a person who stands in the place of a relative whether or not there is a degree of consanguinity is limited to once in their career in the federal public administration.

The deputy head, or their delegate, may grant leave with pay for a period greater and/or in a manner different than that provided for

Article 17.02

Leave without Pay for the care of immediate family

We argued that the current definition of family is too limited and does not respond to the needs of all families.

The definition has been broadened to include a person who stands in the place of a relative for the employee, whether or not there is any degree of consanguinity between such person and the employee.

Article 17.09

Leave with Pay for Family-related responsibilities

We argued that the current definition of family is too limited and does not respond to the needs of all families.

The definition has been broadened to include a person who stands in the place of a relative for the employee, whether or not there is any degree of consanguinity between such person and the employee.

Article 17.12

Career Development

Better access to career development is important to members. The current article had very passive language on the employer’s commitment to career development.

Deletion of “from time to time” and “on occasion” from the article.

Addition of the joint learning program into the list of activities available for career development.

Article 18.05

Correctional Service Specific Duty Allowance (former PFA)

The allowance for members working in Correctional Service varies between $600 and $2000 depending on the security level of the penitentiaries.

We were successful in securing $2,000, regardless of the security level of the penitentiaries.

Article 44

No Discrimination

The Collective Agreement reflected out of date Human Rights legislation

We updated the no discrimination clause to include genetic characteristics and gender identity and expression.

Article 43


Current agreement states that overtime must be required by the Employer

Updated the language to include that overtime may be authorized to reflect the circumstances when employee’s request to work overtime.

Article 2.01 and Article 9.01



The current agreement has outdate legislative references and some editorial mistakes.

We updated all references to legislation that were outdated and made other non-substantive changes to the Collective Agreement.

Throughout the agreement