December 15, 2017

We have verified the results for the elections to Regional Representative positions on the CFIA S&A Group Executive. The following candidates were successful (names underlined) and have taken office as of December 15, 2017.

Atlantic Region Representative:

Virginia Flamarique – Acclaimed

Québec Region Representative:

Maryse Valiquette 60

Sylvie D’Alcantara 15

NCR Region Representative:

Sima Vyas 80

Hussien Bashah 50

Ontario Region Representative:

Zeljko Ruzicic 30

Charlene Green 24

Prairies/NWT Region Representative:

Terry Petrow 29

Ruojing Wang 13

BC/Yukon Region Representative:

André Youssef – Acclaimed

The National Election Committee would like to congratulate all the successful candidates and thanks everyone who participated in this election.

National Elections Committee: Fred Jamieson (Chair) and Kelvin Chau.

PIPSC Staff Resource: Natalie Bélanger.